on 31-05-2020 05:17 PM
it is so anoying when you purchase an item and it clearly states in Australia located nsw you press the button for Australia only items so proceed, only to read again after its comming from china delivery will be 14 days the product is not in the country , YOU DONT MIND PAYING THAT EXTRA IF ITS IN THE COUNTRY ,,, Australian workers dont benifit from this it should clearly state product is in CHINA not NSW its false and mis leading
on 31-05-2020 05:23 PM
Item location misrepresentation has been going on for many years, always check a seller's feedback for their registration details.
Interestingly over half of the sellers that have left feedback for you in the last year have been registered in Asia.
on 31-05-2020 05:25 PM
Idea is to look where the seller is registered before buying
Takes one click
eBay won't do anything about sellers in China and such sellers won't stop lying when people keep choosing to support them over and over
on 31-05-2020 05:44 PM
If it states a 14 day delivery time, then it is likely that the Chinese Seller has a warehouse or agent here that distributes the item and the items are in Australia. I have had many purchases like this, and if the item has arrived in the time stated, it only goes to prove that it did not come from China, which would take around 2 months even pre Covid 19. Another clue is if you are charged GST as a separate amount when checking out. With Australian purchases, it is usually included in the price on eBay. This is my experience anyway.
on 31-05-2020 08:50 PM
You would be lucky at the best of times to get something from China in a fortnight.
If your item arrives within 2 months, there is a good chance it's not coming from China.
You might not be aware of it, but there is a global pandemic at the moment. Freight, especially from any foreign country, has been severely affected.
on 31-05-2020 10:23 PM
I haven't bought anything from China in well over 12 months, but I only ever waited 7-21 calendar days, despite their blurb saying free post would take 2 months (assuming because it would be coming by boat rather than air). One item out of literally hundreds never arrived. Another I thought had got lost, I got refunded for, and it arrived, I think 4 or 5 months later.
I posted a parcel TO China in early March, right when their whole country was in chaos. I told my buyer it could take 3+ months to arrive, he was happy with that. I was surprised when it arrived in 3 weeks!