Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

Community Member

Two items that I purchased from eBay sellers were delivered to the wrong address.  Both of the packages were addressed correctly. One parcel was delivered by Australia Post on Monday 16/01/2022 & we were informed by email that the item had been delivered - we received the email on Tuesday 17/01/2022.  My wife found our parcel sitting on the front porch of another unit - the occupants being away for 48hours.  Today we received an email informing us that another item had been delivered and we again found our package placed on the door mat at another unit in our complex group.  We are very disappointed with the deliverer Australia Post. 

Message 1 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

Have you complained to Australia Post about this?

Message 2 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

Maybe think about getting a Post Office box, units are renowned for parcels going missing/stolen. Also talk to your local post office and make them aware of the situation.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 3 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

And this relates to eBay how?


And other members, or even eBay, but they don't read board posts, can rectify it how.


As said, go to the source of the problem - AP.


I doubt you really needed other members to point this out.

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

They were bought off EBay, that relates to it.

I think that’s close enough.

Message 6 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

No. It has nothing to do with eBay and everything to do with Australia Post.


The OP could have had (and maybe has had) the same issue with purchases from other online sites. The issue is with the carrier, as admitted by the OP, not the site.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

Maybe consider opening up a Parcel Collect, or  a Parcel Locker account (lockers depend on where you are located. Most places outside the cities don't have them)? What that means is, instead of parcels being delivered (or not) to your home address, they go to the post office of your choice, where you will be notified that it's ready for collection.


Instead of your address being:

John Smith

25 something St

Some Place 9876


It would be something like:

John Smith

Parcel Collect 12345-67890

14 Post Office St

Some Place 9876


You need to create a (free) My Post account to be able to utilise this service. I have had so many parcels stolen from my front door. Using Parcel Collect means no more stolen parcels, as they go straight to the PO. Not, oh the resident isn't at home, we'll leave a card, or just leave it in a safe place (which apparently is 2 metres from the footpath, in full view, with no front fence, neatly propped up against the front door!).


PO boxes are good. Parcel collect is just as good, without having to pay for it.  You just can't receive letters that way. For example, a pair of earrings that can be sent as a large letter, will be flagged as not eligible. When that happens, they add your registered address to the envelope and it's delivered to your letterbox.


It's not just for online purchases. If you are say in NSW and you want to send a parcel to your sister in WA for her birthday, then you send it to her Parcel Collect address.


Another good thing is, you can get parcels redirected. For example, you get called urgently interstate to someone who is extremely unwell. OMG, I forgot that parcel! You can get it redirected to the local PO near were you're staying, or to a home address. It also means that if you are away for a few months and you want to buy stuff, you just change your profile in the Aust Post app, sending it to the local PO to where you are.


For a free service, it has countless benefits.

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

Yes the OP can take it up with Aust Post......and a fat lot of good that will probably do.

eBay users may have other solutions like Parcel Collect etc - speaking from experience with using a service, not just relying on AP says.

Nothing wrong with asking buyers on eBay for help.

Message 9 of 16
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Re: Items Delivered to the Wrong Address

AP doesn't hide the fact they offer FREE Parcel Lockers and Collect.

Message 10 of 16
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