Lamenting the passing of Ebay Past - (Or a wet Winter's night rant)

Anyone else find it infuriating how when an auction ends these days ebay auto-diverts to a different listing altogether and then you have to click on a series of links just to get back on the item page you were looking at in the first place? Plus, why oh why have a link to take you back to the item page and then have to click on yet another link to 'View Original Listing'. It's just so convoluted and annoyingly clunky and dumb, dumb, dumb!!!


Today I was considering bidding on two items from the same seller about a minute apart in auction end times - when the first one ended I just wanted to click on the 'seller's other items' link - but at the auction end it jumped to another listing for an 'ebay pick' item (this time without even the banner up the top saying the previous item I was looking at ended). In short, by the time I managed to jump through a series of hoops just to find my way back to the seller's items the other listing had already ended. I don't know about anyone else, but I've never given one of those barely relevant ebay picks even a momentary glance (I'm quite capable of searching for items I'm interested in thanks ebay).


Those {insert expletive from drop down menu here} ebay web designers, they just have to keep adding inane, annoying, silly, infantile new features - like they're scrambling to justify that they're being paid 6 digit salaries to do something (anything is better than nothing apparently). If I could opt out of present day ebay's format and go back to 'Classic' (the way it was when I first started using the site 11 plus years ago) I'd do so without a blink or a moment to reflect on what I'd be missing out on. I guess ebay employing web designers to reinvent (or maybe more aptly "redecorate") the wheel with the next gimmicky annoying feature keeps them from living rough out of the back of their Jeeps and surviving off doggy bags and partially consumed opened bottles of red wine secreted out of upmarket restaurants by their Silicon Valley former co-workers.


Another thing I can't stand is the 'improved functionality' of pop ups which activate if you hover the cursor for a split second - and I really can't stand 'one click bidding' (when trying to manually drop a bid in the closing seconds - in Chrome it generally bids instantly, but is unreliable - today it gave me a 'confirm bid' step in the form of a pop up which I didn't realise until too late. Meaning I can't be sure if it's going to bid when I click, or take me to a confirm step before placing the bid. Have to admit I usually use an unsupported earlier version of Safari just to avoid the 'one click' feature - just because I know it will take me to a separate 'confirm bid' window.


Another thing I used to sort of like, was the Q & A bit at the bottom of listing pages, but I can't remember the last time I saw a 'questions from other members' section on a listing (guessing this was discontinued??) And I used to like the link on 'Best Offer' enabled listings where you could simply click on this and see how many offers had been made and the offer satus (pending / declined) - but that feature doesn't seem to exist anymore either.


Interested to hear anyone else's nostalgic laments and "remember whens"....  

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Lamenting the passing of Ebay Past - (Or a wet Winter's night rant)

So many groundhogs... so little time...


I will hunt up that novel, kopenhagen! Thanks.

Message 21 of 21
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