on 19-11-2019 09:49 AM
Bought something from ebay. The item location states it is in my country but different state, Queensland, Australia. The item description does not match what I bought. It is a cheap item but I still wanted to return because it is not what I needed.
Seller couldn't give me a return shipping label probably because gave me a return address of an ebayorder fulfilment center in Monroe Township NJ 08831-3405 which is in another country.
I thought the rules for sellers were you must provide return address of same location or another location of same shipping price for returns?
If I send the item to NJ which would cost more than the item, I assume I should be able to still get a shipping cost refund either by the seller (and if refuses ebay can force them to) or I can get PayPal to refund as long as I provide a copy of the shipping receipt?
on 19-11-2019 11:44 AM
If the item is being returned to an overseas address, eBay can't force the sekker to pay the return postage (regardless of what they say). I would be RINGING eBay and ask what you should do. Better still, use the call me back option as the caller is slightly more intelligent than when you ring yourself. If you feel you are getting nowhere with the person on the phone, ask to speak to a supervisor.
on 22-11-2019 10:55 AM
I did use the call me back feature like you said.
They did confirm that the return address does need to be in australia because that's the location address. I just got a full refund and seller did not state to return so I guess I have a free wireless mouse now.
Thanks for the help.
22-11-2019 02:05 PM - edited 22-11-2019 02:06 PM
seeing as you have previously stated that the mouse was “not what I needed” then my suggestion is to contact the seller again and ask them if they want the mouse back. I would send them a message along these lines:
I have received a full refund from eBay for the item (insert title here) because you failed to provide an Australian return address and postage label. If you want the mouse back then please provide a return postage label to an Australian address. Failure to do so will result in me keeping the mouse despite it being of little or no use to me as the description in the listing does not match the item that was sent. I await your reply.
Only after doing so should you feel that you “have a free wireless mouse”.
on 22-11-2019 04:53 PM
I'd definitely do as you say about the message but the question that would be in my mind would be if the seller has an Australian address that the item could be sent back to, why didn't they provide a return label in the first place?
They have brought this situation on themselves by misrepresenting things. It's not on to say an item is based in Australia then expect buyers to post it overseas.
It wouldn't normally sit well with me to receive a refund plus keep the item except in special circumstances and I think this might be one of them. If the seller could not provide a label or somehow pay for return postage to wherever, then I' d just keep it.