on 10-02-2015 10:58 PM
Ther must be something done about manufacturers, suppliers and sellers blatently misrepresenting the capacity of Lithium Ion rechargable battries, this also applies to power packs.
The following is just a small example of the outlandish claim made by manufactures, suppliers and sellers
The batteries in the following picture claim that they have a capacity of 4,000 mAh when in fact after extensive testing they have been found to have 1,200 mAh capacity.
There are others on ebay that claim capacities as high as 10,000 mAh capacitiesand in fact are one tenth of the capacity printed on the battery
on 10-02-2015 11:01 PM
Let me guess, sellers are Chinese?
on 10-02-2015 11:14 PM
I would guess Chinese manufacturer but the seller is Sydney based. I have alerted the seller and informed them that they could be in strife by selling goods that are grossly misleading. but i don't blame the seller so much as the manufacturer.
This is not an isolated case but in my estimation it involves around 95% of ALL rechargeable batteries sold on eBay so it is fraud of mammoth proportions.
on 10-02-2015 11:25 PM
The reason I asked if they were Chinese sellers is because the Chinese are masters of recreation. They reprint over 16GB SD cards to make them look like 256GB. Of course the buyer realise they've been scammed when they try to put large amounts of data on it, only to discover they can't. By then, the scam seller is long gone (or it's been listed in a category that has no buyer protection).
There's plenty of other things they reprint over too to fool buyers. I wondered if these batteries might be something else they fake.
10-02-2015 11:45 PM - edited 10-02-2015 11:45 PM
I think it is more like a race to see who can reach the most outlandish heights and still be able to suck in the gullible buyer.
I think I will have to go on a mission and convince eBay that they are party to fraud of of huge proportions.
It burns me up to see buyers getting ripped off in such a blatant manner.
on 10-02-2015 11:47 PM
It is not only a problem with misrepesentation of batteries but there is a huge amount of mispresentation in a lot of categories on ebay. For example in the main category I sell in there is a huge problem with misrepresentation of the thread count in sheets and other bedding. The smarter buyers realise that if something is too good to be true then there is something not quite right. The problem with most buyers though is they are so easily tricked into thinking they are getting an absolute bargain when in reality it usually isn't.
on 10-02-2015 11:53 PM
@poddster wrote:I think it is more like a race to see who can reach the most outlandish heights and still be able to suck in the gullible buyer.
I think I will have to go on a mission and convince eBay that they are party to fraud of of huge proportions.
It burns me up to see buyers getting ripped off in such a blatant manner.
Good Luck with that poddster, ebay couldn't care less. They even condone it IMO. The buyers of this carp want cheap !!!! I would like to see 99% of the Chinese Sellers wiped off ebay. That wont happen either.
on 11-02-2015 12:12 AM
You are both right of course but to satisfy my sense of justice I will attempt toge something done about the batteries, even if it is just the sellers in Australia. I have not been on a mission lately so it will be good exercise 🙂
on 11-02-2015 12:40 AM
Well Good Luck with it. Ebay are deaf to constructive crititism.
on 11-02-2015 02:49 AM
I may have to get destructive in that case 🙂