New feedback question re delivery arrival times

Hi all, I left some feedback for a seller today & there's a new eBay question that wasn't there last time I left feedback which asks if the item arrived by the last date on the estimated delivery time. I said yes it did.

Without checking I don't recall if it did arrive on that date but I figured if I answered honestly the seller may get into trouble & I didn't want that.

I'm wondering is eBay wanting to give out more penalties if a buyer said no? Or are they attempting to find out if the estimated delivery time is not long enough? I have more feedback to leave soon & I don't know whether it helps the seller if I say yes or no.
Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š
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Re: New feedback question re delivery arrival times

@springyzone wrote:



But if there is no tracking, what else can they do, I suppose.  It is up to sellers to cover themselves.



That's just it, IMO. Sellers have to protect themselves from the way eBay approach transactions, which - while I'm not saying it affects everyone the same way - does affect how some buyers approach transactions.


What they can do, again IMO, is stop taking the "what problem did you have with this transaction?" approach, because no matter what safety measures they put in place, no matter what their MBG will do post-transaction, this approach only reinforces the idea that transactions are problematic, and it doesn't take much for that to then become an expectation. 


Did the item arrive by the date we completely made up?* No!? Well, that's a problem (we - eBay - created)! 





*I have had international orders showing ETAs only two days after I bought them, and the seller was using standard shipping - if I was not a reasonable-minded person, I might have expected the item to arrive in two days, and created unnecessary problems with the seller when it didn't. 

Message 11 of 16
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Re: New feedback question re delivery arrival times

If it arrives on or before the due delivery date either put a yes or no. I do not think it is going to affect the sellers reputation if its beyond the due by date. I think its rather quite handy actually.
Message 12 of 16
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Re: New feedback question re delivery arrival times

@michellebartley wrote:
If it arrives on or before the due delivery date either put a yes or no. I do not think it is going to affect the sellers reputation if its beyond the due by date. I think its rather quite handy actually.

Ah michelle, but the eBay bot might pick up that you've said no when you've left feedback before the final arrival date  and get angry..............


"Puts tin-hat on..................."

"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 13 of 16
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Re: New feedback question re delivery arrival times

It CERTAINLY Does affect the Seller !!! - It results in them receiving a Defect from Ebay for something that is completely beyond their control...
Message 14 of 16
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Re: New feedback question re delivery arrival times

@hamsy3 wrote:
It CERTAINLY Does affect the Seller !!! - It results in them receiving a Defect from Ebay for something that is completely beyond their control...

hamsy, if it's the question below the feedback stars then it shouldn't result in a defect for the seller (at the moment), but who knows what eBay in their wisdom might do furthur down the track.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 15 of 16
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Re: New feedback question re delivery arrival times

I agree, I think ebay puts ideas into the heads of buyers that don't actually have to be put there. For example, that big tab next to all purchases that says-return this item.

Months after the sale is done and dusted.


I guess they are trying to make it easier for buyers to find it, but they sure don't make every other bit of info so easy.


 I do think ebay could streamline things though.

If a seller uploads a tracking number with proof of postage within their time frame, there really should be no need for any buyer interaction or comment on postage whatsoever. It should just go to an auto 5 star for Posts on time.


If an item doesn't arrive, that is a different story altogether and needs to get sorted but has not got anything at all to do with the issue of whether the item was posted on time.

Message 16 of 16
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