Notified eBay of illegal items being sold - yet they are still for sale
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on โ04-06-2013 09:38 PM
I have found multiple 'buy it now' auctions of synthetic marijuana which is illegal in Australia.
These sellers are Australian; listing it as "pot pourri" and "natural incense" and shipping from Australia.
I have notified eBay several times with that annoying selection menu but months later these
sellers are still selling these items.
How do I really get eBay to listen? Or escalate this matter so that these illegal drugs are withdrawn
from the site?
Notified eBay of illegal items being sold - yet they are still for sale
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on โ14-06-2013 11:18 PM
Did you find it under synthetic marijuana or under herbal high and it's described as a relaxer among other things except a drug. What I have see on here they have a mix of legal herbs and stay clear of saying its an alternative to marijuana. So unless they use the word Marijuana and have illegal ingredients there is nothing that can really be done.
Squeeze them into people's eyes
Notified eBay of illegal items being sold - yet they are still for sale
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on โ14-06-2013 11:30 PM
Unfortunately, synthetic mary jane is legal and often sold in what I called *hippy* shops.
(I apologise now for unintentionally offending any hippies)
There was a big news story on the other night about that young kid who died from taking it. The authorities and powers to be are looking at changing legislation to making them illegal to manufacture and sell.
as far as reporting ANYTHING to Ebay... and expecting them to bat an eyelid, well GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! ;\
you would have more luck finding a needle in a haystack!
How big is the haystack?
Notified eBay of illegal items being sold - yet they are still for sale
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on โ15-06-2013 06:00 AM
Dunno what your fuss is over , you can get real pot plant seeds , direct from Ebay US posted to OZ no probs ,
Not bad either ๐
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on โ15-06-2013 06:44 AM
google Kronic it is/was the most widely used in the mining industry....until they developed "the test"
It irks me that the drugs are referred to as synthetic marihuana.
Kronic consists of Horney Goat weed and absinthe... and one other herb that I will not mention.....
The only resemblance between pot and Kronic is the colour..... and Kronic is artificially coloured...... green FFS ๐
Prohibition creates the dilemma and youthful curiosity is happy to oblige and participate
............ in lieu of education, legislation and acceptance it appears society prefers to tar all illegal drugs with the same brush.....
Trust me the plethora of drug forums online have already moved onto the next big thing........
Walnut fumes... who would have thought?????........ LET'S BAN WALNUTS
Notified eBay of illegal items being sold - yet they are still for sale
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on โ15-06-2013 07:16 AM
another recipe for you.... one legal ingredient missing
Brahmi Herb ( Bacopa Monnieri),
Buddleia ( Mi Meng Hua ),
Cappilaris (Yin Chen Ho ),
Chinese Wormwood ( Qing Hao ),
Grand Wormwood ( Artemisia Absinthium ),
Illicium ( Ku Ding Cha),
St. Ignatius Bean ( Ignatia Amara Homeopathic ).
all available legally in health stores and on ebay and are taken singularly by many people
who would not even know the herb's "dark side"
...... There is way to stop it though....
Remove all chemistry courses from high schools, pharmacists degrees from Universities and research into any synthetic drug and make all of it illegal ........
:|......... or wait for it..... acceptance, education and respect for the consequences so that all young adults/adolescents have the grounding to make personal decisions in a safe nurturing atmosphere and understand the risks rather than a "behind the bike shed" hit and miss drug education
Notified eBay of illegal items being sold - yet they are still for sale
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on โ15-06-2013 06:09 PM
Can the sellers be reported for selling fake marihuana?
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on โ15-06-2013 07:48 PM
Because it's fake? Possibly, but wouldn't the rights holder have to complain?
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on โ15-06-2013 07:55 PM
wouldn't the rights holder have to complain?
How many Mary Janes would vie for that slice of pie?
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on โ15-06-2013 08:06 PM
i remember going back to around 2005, there were loads of pirated dvds being sold on ebay, mostly tv series box sets. It got to the point where this made up about 1/4 of all dvds sold, & by Aussie sellers who had imported them from Asia (the variety that look good enough to fool alot of people but im pretty sure alot knew what they were selling).
I used to sell legit dvds & needless to say i wasn't happy about it. Myself & some other dvd sellers made numerous complaints to ebay who did nothing for about 6 mths, that is until we contacted the distribution companies directly, eg Universal, Sony etc. Suddenly most of the fakes disappeared, i would say ebay might have gotten a few 'stop selling illegal dvds or we will sue you for millions' letters ๐
Sorry op that doesnt help you much, i was just making the point that Ebay generally won't remove illegal items unless they are legally compelled to, they don't actually care about the harm it might bring to people. They really better be careful in this case as it could result in someones health or even their life being at stake.
Notified eBay of illegal items being sold - yet they are still for sale
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on โ15-06-2013 08:41 PM
Because it's fake? Possibly, but wouldn't the rights holder have to complain?
don't you mean roach?