Over charged on postage

I am someone who use to think that people shouldn't complain about postage once they buy an item as they know how much they are charging.
The problem is sometimes I think the sellers are trying it on.
I purchased a dress and postage was $18 ok I thought because its mostly lace I expected it box and well packed.
It came scrunched in a eBay 500g parcel with no so much as a shopping bag to stop the lace from sticking to the seal.
So I emailed the seller who said that they were going to express it until they found out it would fit into the 500g parcel. Is it to much for me to expect them to refund the difference.
Normally I would not fuss but its a big difference for little care taken.
When life gives you lemons.
Squeeze them into people's eyes
Message 1 of 60
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Over charged on postage

Unfortunately I don't always make a profit. I paid too much for some items. Before I was quite as experienced as I am now.


But my profit is really determined by others. I sell in a crowded market and need to be ballpark.

Message 51 of 60
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Over charged on postage

I'm off to change all my listings to include free postage then

Message 52 of 60
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Over charged on postage

Why not? You got the item you bought, at the price you were prepared to pay, in advertised condition.

 Are you aware that there are many postal services that don't appear on the stamps/postage label? In Australia, for example, SOD/Registered, insurance? Plus the fact that the seller is justified in adding a charge for their time, their packaging materials in preparing an item for postage.

 Or is that their gift to you? After you've agreed to the overall price, and recieved the item in GOC, how does the actual amount of visible postage, bearing in mind my above points, have any bearing on the transaction? Except that you feel you can trash a seller's business standing on a whim?



Huh? What buyer's remorse?????


I have no quarrel with sellers charging extra for their time, petrol or whatever and I have no quarrel with them recycling old packaging,  but I do object when a parcel is badly wrapped with inadequate protection - including no padding if needed - regarding my purchases.


I haven't trashed any seller's business.  If it's been trashed they've done it to themselves.


Sorry, but just because I have bought an item at a price I was willing to pay including postage, that does not imply I am also happy for the seller to increase their profit maringe while playing Russian Roulette on whether I will get my item in one piece.


As for asking questions...hmm.  I could ask the seller about packaging but I've asked that twice before concerning posting odd shaped items....and got no replies.  Still, I suppose I could ask if the amount they quoted might mean they intend to use the flimsiest packaging possible while pocketing more money than the extra cost of travel, petrol etc can justify....but I'm guessing I might not get much of a response there either. Smiley Wink

Message 53 of 60
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Over charged on postage

What you need to realise dave is that there are many sellers that udercut the prices just to make a sale and that is one thing that I am not willing to do so if my item doesn't sell then I will relist and relist until one day it does sell,fingers xd

Message 54 of 60
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Over charged on postage

@davewil1964 wrote:

Unfortunately I don't always make a profit. I paid too much for some items. Before I was quite as experienced as I am now.


But my profit is really determined by others. I sell in a crowded market and need to be ballpark.

Well, there's always one or two that have to be exceptional. Smiley Tongue


My point doesn't have to be applied on an individual sale-by-sale basis, though. ๐Ÿ˜‰



Message 55 of 60
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Over charged on postage

Not applicable


Message 56 of 60
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Over charged on postage

@zelly888 wrote:

I'm off to change all my listings to include free postage then

Why would you do that?  All your stars are excellent without any help from the Free Postage furphy.

Message 57 of 60
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Over charged on postage

I was just being a little bit sarcastic 

Message 58 of 60
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Over charged on postage

I am very glad to hear that....I always wonder what is being hidden when seemingly good sellers suddenly offer Free Postage.

I usually purchase multiple items from sellers and always feel a bit ripped off when there are no combined postage discounts available.

Message 59 of 60
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Over charged on postage

I do this as well,I hope to find sellers with free postage(i'm sure any normal business person would add into the cost anyhow-"its called the cost of business").


Inflated postage and NOT useing the services paid for is the worse thing about eBay in my opinion.Once a seller does this to me,i never use them again and let people know on the forums i'm on(as we have boards for this)that a seller is inflting P & H costs.


Most good buyers dont mind sellers adding into the cost of the shipping box(its callled P&H) ,time and gas to but sometimes in my experience i have found sellers asking for "double" of real postage costs.


If there is something i really want,i msg the seller and ask them why it is so high? Considering i have every postage service in the world at my finget tips.


People just need to use their heads,and if they feel they get ripped,give them NEG.I dont muck around with sellers anymore in the area i buy in.

Message 60 of 60
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