Paypal closed my account after fraudulent sellers complained

I am posing this problem on behalf of someone else who has dealt with eBay for many years.  Recently this person purchased a number of items from Sellers in the one country to raise funds for a favourite charity.  Very few of the items arrrived and this Buyer sought assistance from Paypal (as you do).  She has now had HER Paypal and Ebay account closed as she is considered a "risk".  Since when has the VICTIM been punished for BAD SELLERS?  I am confused and she is devestated and so hurt. She has appealed and Paypal is standing by their decision.   

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Paypal closed my account after fraudulent sellers complained

Honored Contributor

There must be more to the story than what you have posted here.

I have never heard of accounts being closed by ebay or paypal just because you have made a few claims.

Was she buying directly from the charity or was the seller just selling items on behalf of the charity.

Message 2 of 7
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Paypal closed my account after fraudulent sellers complained

There are very strict rules in place for any listing that even mentions a charity so if the member was buying from a charity or selling on behalf of one the activity could easily be viewed as suspicious.


Whatever the reasons it is part of the ebay and Paypal user agreements that they can close an account at any time, they don't have to give or indeed have an explanation.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 3 of 7
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Paypal closed my account after fraudulent sellers complained

The OP is referring to a buyer, so I think the charitable reasons for purchase are (possibly) irrelevant...unless there was some wheeling and dealing going on (i.e. messaging sellers to get lower prices with the reason that they were buying on behalf of a charity). 


The info here is a bit too limited to offer any kind of advice...for example, "in the one country" - I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess China? And also wonder if it's possible "very few items arrived" could mean very few items arrived before disputes were opened (post from China can be anything from 1 - 6 weeks, so if the purchases were from there and disputes were opened a little earlier than average delivery time, especially without contacting any of the sellers, who in my experience more often than not offer timely and fair solutions, it may have caused a few red flags).


Of course, I'm merely hypothesising based on pretty much nothing Smiley LOL so perhaps if you could elaborate a little you may be able to get some more relevant responses and advice. 🙂


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Paypal closed my account after fraudulent sellers complained

The country in question has been correctly guessed and I am not the person who has the problem it is a lovely lady who was raising money for an overseas orphage which she had previously visited and previously supported.  Some of the items were delivered and were either totally different to those ordered or poorly made and she was given very rude replies when she contacted the Sellers.  She is a long term Ebayer with a high Feedback and was shocked that Sellers with high Negs and poor Feedback from customers were more valued than she was.  Ebay is becoming a disappointing place to try to do business. She used her own money (she is NOT a high wage earner) to buy the items in an attempt to make her money stretch.

Thank you all so much for your replies. I will pass on all of the positive comments to her and I will support her fund raising just as our local school and community does.  When I saw her a couple of days ago she had completed her fund raising for this trip and so far has raised enough to buy 17 large sacks of rice.

Message 5 of 7
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Paypal closed my account after fraudulent sellers complained

I had my paypal account limited after buying a lot of items from one seller in a particular (similar) country and needing to open several paypal disputes.... sure does happen and is very disappointing Smiley Indifferent

Message 6 of 7
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Paypal closed my account after fraudulent sellers complained

If this lady was a long time ebayer with lots of transactions under her belt why did she order items from China from sellers with high neg rating and poor feedback? I know it doesn't explain why she had her account cancelled but jeez, I wouldn't have touched those sellers with a 40ft pole and an experienced e-bayer should have known better..

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