Potential Scam

Received an email supposedly from eBay today offering an auto discount on items I searched but didn’t take up offer of discount direct from Seller valid to 31 Dec 2022! The valid time slot was the first red flag. The so called offer were not items from a Seller Included in my searches although did contain couple of search words I had used last couple of days. Closer inspection uncovered more red flags. Items offered for sale were from a Seller created few days ago with no record of previous sales or feedback & my subsequent search direct on eBay site for these items came up zilch. Secondly email at first glance looked legit but was missing my personal details that eBay always include. They said, we would love to hear from you, I bet they would! I deleted it straight away.

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Potential Scam

There is a new one every hour every day just lately.   Just wish all peeps would learn to not open texts, emails if unsure.  You picked it but sadly some wont and will be here asking what to do.  Am so over these idiots ripping peeps off.

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