on 12-02-2015 06:56 AM
Yesterday I purchased 2 tickets to the World Cup cricket and then I never received an email from Ebay. All day I tried to pay the buyer who had sent me a message about it and Paypal wouldnt work. I had an email from her last night to say that Ebay had removed the listing because it voilated the policy with ticket selling. I dont know what to do now as I purchased these for my sons and havent paid for them and tickets are scarce. Something strange here because Paypal wont work for me any more either.
on 12-02-2015 09:54 AM
on 12-02-2015 10:03 AM
Why would you want to pay for something that breached ebay policy regarding ticket sales which may very well mean they would be worthless especially as buyer protection for tickets is very sparse with Paypal and there would be no protection from ebay as it would no longer be an ebay transaction.
on 13-02-2015 08:15 AM
you are very lucky that eBay stopped you paying before you gave your money away for something that could be blocked at the gate.
even if you get the tickets Aust Cricket (orwhoever the governing body is) could deny access at the gate, and your boys would be left standing there and you'd have lost $$$$