on 15-12-2023 07:16 PM
Bought scooter for present at end of October put together December but doesn’t work and seller decline return and won’t help
on 15-12-2023 08:43 PM
here you go. You're out of time for eBay.
You might be able to claim through Paypal or your bank, depending on how you paid.
ALWAYS check condition of goods on receipt , not months later.
on 15-12-2023 08:53 PM
Sure hope it wasn't from a seller registered in China.
They are more than likely to catch fire while charging.
Always buy from a seller registered in Australia.
Check their feedback page to see country of registration.
on 16-12-2023 08:53 AM
Had you not waited waited months (past the MBG limit) there would have been no issue
BUT if this was another dodgy seller registered in China that you frequently buy from, you may have had a lucky escape
Something like this is best no bought from some random seller on eBay at all
Let alone an eBay seller registered in China with feedback in the toilet