Re Seller

I got scammed off a seller on ebay yes i did get my money back from ebay but they had more than 24 NEG feedback in the last month but ebay keeps removing them they even removed my 2 neg feedback this seller gives out false tacking numbers i just read there neg feedback again and most are trying to get there money back but cant and why is ebay removing peoples neg feed back from this seller who gives false tracking numbers ,ebay ebay wonder why 100s of people are leaving ebay monthly ebay knows this seller is taking peoples money but not sending the item ebay should do the right this stop protecting sellers look after buyers who are getting ripped off daily

Message 1 of 20
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Re Seller

Very very few sellers are protected


Most of the time when a buyer is 'ripped off' it is because they make the choice not to use the numerous tools available to protect themselves


And the complain about the result




Message 11 of 20
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Re Seller

At any rate you have to pay attention on Facebook too, as there are ongoing scams, in particular scammers impersonating eBay Motors and asking people to pay by bank transfer. 

Message 12 of 20
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Re Seller

@birch180 wrote:

well i watched a programe on TV 2 years back and an Ebay worker  said they were down 5% people were leaving at an alarming rate, you only have to go on to Facebook market place there are virtually many thousands of people selling and buying stuff because they are sick of getting ripped off if sellers keep getting protected you will keep loosing buyers  full stop  


Feedback being removed in large quantities like that isn't something that usually happens.

I don't know what is going on but it isn't typical for most Australian sellers.

I have heard of it happening very occasionally though. Very strange.


Facebook marketplace isn't booming though because people are sick of being ripped off on ebay. It's a completely different online platform. I've found myself browsing it a lot lately & it has nothing to do with me not liking ebay. It's because it is so convenient. You go in to check posts by friends and when you have done that, with one click you're then in marketplace and you don't even have to type in any searches, it just fills the screen with the sort of things you have recently browsed. And a lot are automatically from your area. It's great. No wonder it has taken off.


But the descriptions can be completely inaccurate or missing on detail (more so than any ebay seller would dare) and don't believe there are no scammers there, a friend's son had a phone stolen by one of the people who responded to an ad which I think he had up on facebook. You have to take care everywhere.

Message 13 of 20
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Re Seller

But you didn't get ripped off. You got your money back, so buyer protection worked for you.


What other hoops do you expect eBay to jump through to retain your custom?


2 years back - hardly relevant to today, especially with COVID.

Message 14 of 20
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Re Seller

Oh godโ€ฆ..

 where do these people spring up from! ๐Ÿ™„


Sometimes, there just isnโ€™t enough crayons!! 

********* *********** *********** ************ ************ *********** ***********
Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 15 of 20
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Re Seller

We know who has all the crayons 


Looks as if they took a colouring in holiday



Luckily one of the crew remain to keep the anti vax, no facts rants alive
Message 16 of 20
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Re Seller

 Crayons, I want crayons. Where can I buy them? Ebay or Facebook marketplace? It would be preferable that I was at risk of being ripped off, but that's just me.


Hope all is good with the floods Janey! I'm so glad we don't have a river.
Message 17 of 20
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Re Seller

@*sons_and_daughters* wrote:

 Crayons, I want crayons. Where can I buy them? Ebay or Facebook marketplace?


You can make them out of the crusts of Keto scones that didn't make the grade.


............"runs from Jane's wrath"............>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 18 of 20
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Re Seller

@*sons_and_daughters* wrote:

 Crayons, I want crayons. Where can I buy them? Ebay or Facebook marketplace? It would be preferable that I was at risk of being ripped off, but that's just me.


Hope all is good with the floods Janey! I'm so glad we don't have a river.


Iโ€™ll swap you a box of crayons for a box of toothpicks, mate ๐Ÿ˜„



re floodsโ€ฆ. My usual road to work was opened back up todayโ€ฆ..THANK GOD! The alternative was not sealed and damn scary at midnight when driving home. 

********* *********** *********** ************ ************ *********** ***********
Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 19 of 20
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Re Seller

@padi*0409 wrote:


You can make them out of the crusts of Keto scones that didn't make the grade.


............"runs from Jane's wrath"............>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. Just keep running, just keep runningโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. ๐Ÿ˜‰

********* *********** *********** ************ ************ *********** ***********
Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 20 of 20
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