Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

Community Member

I am wondering if any other buyers have had the experience of being told by a customer service agent that only the first negative comment under a positive rating  left by a retaliating seller is a feedback violation that qualifies for removal but a follow up to feedback negative comment the seller has also left in succession (= 2  x negative feedback comments)  is not feedback violation and can't be removed (which in effect contradicts eBay's no negative feedback for buyers feedback policy).

I do not mean "reply to feedback".



Message 1 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

I've added you to my blocked list
Message 11 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

Why? somehow I don't see robo buying off you any way.

Message 12 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

Never mind.Smiley Tongue



Your welcome to buy from me at any time.Smiley Happy

Message 13 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

black poppy and horizon,

I am sorry my topic and question is not clear.

I will try to clarify: 

Firstly, I do not mean a follow up comment left by the buyer to a reply a seller has made to negative feedback a buyer has left.

I mean neg comment + neg comment left by seller for buyer (without any reply from buyer in the middle).

Secondly, my post is not a complaint. In hindsight I should have used the Answer Centre.

My topic revolves around eBay feedback policy as it relates to sellers and what qualifies for removal by eBay..

As it is my understanding that eBay does not allow sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers and that any seller leaving a positive feedback with a comment that is negative is in violation of eBay rules, I am asking if any buyers out there are  under the impression`that a negative  follow up comment made by a seller to their own (not permitted) negative comment left for a buyer as positive feedback does not qualify for removal . 

Message 14 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

I think it depends on which customer service rep you get. 


eBay policy is very unclear on follow up comments.


I note that eBay is increasingly appearing to remove "negative" comments for buyers, and replacing with "THIS COMMENT HAS BEEN REMOVED BY EBAY" and leaving the postive rating for buyers, rather than removing the feedback entirely. 


For what it is worth, IMO a follow up comment to any feedback left (whether removed or not) is not feedback it is a follow up comment


However, without a clear eBay policy that one could reference, I would not encourage other sellers to leave any follow up comment if the original comment they left for a buyer was removed.



Message 15 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

As far as I know, ebay will only remove the initial negative comment and not the followup or reply to followup.

It certainly used to be this way but it could have changed recently...everything else seems to have changed.


It is for this reason that members are advised to be careful of their replies to bad feedback....while the original feedback may be removed the replies and followups remain in all their glory and often make the receiver of the original feedback look worse than if the whole feedback was there.

Message 16 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

The OP has had a follow up comment to a negative they left for a seller removed (partially, as it shows as removed).


The OP also has had a feedback comment that was left for them by a seller removed (again with comment removed, not rating).


OP are you wondering if the seller can do a further follow up to the feedback they left for you (that has comment removed) ???



Agree Lyndal, the whole replies and followups (even without comments remaining)  do indeed make the receiver OR giver of the original feedback look worse than if the whole feedback was there.

Message 17 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

@thecatspjs wrote:

The OP has had a follow up comment to a negative they left for a seller removed (partially, as it shows as removed).


The OP also has had a feedback comment that was left for them by a seller removed (again with comment removed, not rating).


OP are you wondering if the seller can do a further follow up to the feedback they left for you (that has comment removed) ???



Agree Lyndal, the whole replies and followups (even without comments remaining)  do indeed make the receiver OR giver of the original feedback look worse than if the whole feedback was there.

I would imagine the only way to find that out cats is if :-


1. Buyer/seller (?) notices the original feedback's been removed and knows about the option to leave follow-up feedback.............or


2. the OP's message the buyer/seller (?) and ask if they can try and leave follow-up feedback (unlikely in the exteme)............


"sorry cats, can't be bothered going into 2 sets of FB to see which is what.......apologies...." 


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 18 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

 I forgot to mention that follow-up feedback can be left more than 2 years past the original feedback posting, so it is a bit of a smoking gun in that respect........................Hmmm...............


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 19 of 29
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Removal Of Negative Follow Up To Feedback Comment Under Positive Rating

thecatspjs, both feedback removals you refer to are from the same transaction. The first is the seller's Reply to Feedback I left for a seller.  His feedback was removed due to feedback policy violation (content). The second one is 'positive' feedback left by same seller for same transaction that was a negative comment which is not permitted. There were actually a couple of feedback violations here: leaving negative comment for a buyer under the guise of leaving a positive feedback and inappropriate content..

Yes, I am wondering if it is possible for any seller to do a follow up to feedback for any buyer after the seller has had imappropraite feedback removed- and if so it is certainly " a smoking gun" as a later contributor to this discussion puts it, if it is so that follow up to feedback can be left after 2 years (which I did not know before now).

Message 20 of 29
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