on 16-08-2013 01:56 PM
Hi there
I'm a buyer, and there is someone who has me on their watch list. Is there any way I can remove this person? (they are a 'friend' who is snooping on what I do').
Thanks so much, Trish
16-08-2013 02:19 PM - edited 16-08-2013 02:21 PM
If you are a buyer only then no-one can have you on a watch list...there is nothing to watch.
Even if you are a seller there is no way for you to dictate who is watching your items. You can however stop them buying from you by putting them on your blocked bidder list.
on 16-08-2013 02:23 PM
Hi trish, you can always "terminate" them in a conventional way,
standard procedure with all spies once they get caught!
on 16-08-2013 02:38 PM
Trish, the only way to hide your buying info is to start another ID. You'll need a different email address to register a new ID but you can use the same PayPal account, just add the new email address to it.
on 16-08-2013 05:57 PM
Anyone can put any id on their fave SELLER list even if they're a buyer only.
JMO but if someone was my friend,I wouldn't care if they saw what I'd purchased.
You can always make your feedback private instead of staring a new account if you want.
The friend can still do an advanced search to see what you've bought in last 30 days but as you've only purchased a few items I don't know why you'd be fussed about it.
on 25-08-2013 08:55 PM
Hi there Lyndal - thanks for answering my query. I had been selling a few items a few years ago and am about to sell some baby items. I can't remember what her exact words were but something along the lines that she wanted my user name so she could follow me?? I don't know - I'm not a regular ebayer ... but thanks for replying anyway!
on 25-08-2013 08:57 PM
Thanks sportandplay - Yes that's another option too. I'm not trying to be dramatic but I like to be a bit private without having someone watching what I'm up too. Anyway ... think I need to get over it!! 😉
on 25-08-2013 09:00 PM
Thanks foxette-in-sox. She's a friend but a big snoop. I shouldn't care but I've got a lot of baby things I want to start listing and as I'm really not that familiar wtih ebay, wondered if there was a way to remove her ... but if not, so be it. I'll build a bridge! 😉
on 25-08-2013 11:13 PM
trish, you used to be able to change your user ID, (not sure since the changeover) so just the name on your account, you keep the same account. This would make it harder, though not impossible, for her to find you. If she does a search of your old name, it won't show up as it doesn't exist anymore.
The only way I can think she may be able to find you again, apart from pure luck, is if she has bought something off you in the past, and can then see the name change in her feedback list. There may be other ways, but that way will at least make it more difficult.
on 26-08-2013 12:09 PM
Crikey, if you change your ID there is an icon which shows for a month. If the OPs snoopy friend looks at her ID regularly she will be well aware of the ID change.
The OP has so little feedback at the moment that the beat option would be to open a new ID and tell no-one. Maybe keep this ID for posting...let the snoop think there is no activity on the account.