Hi there I'm a buyer, and there is someone who has me on their watch
list. Is there any way I can remove this person? (they are a 'friend'
who is snooping on what I do'). Thanks so much, Trish
Thanks foxette-in-sox. She's a friend but a big snoop. I shouldn't care
but I've got a lot of baby things I want to start listing and as I'm
really not that familiar wtih ebay, wondered if there was a way to
remove her ... but if not, so be it. I'll ...
Thanks sportandplay - Yes that's another option too. I'm not trying to
be dramatic but I like to be a bit private without having someone
watching what I'm up too. Anyway ... think I need to get over it!!
Hi there Lyndal - thanks for answering my query. I had been selling a
few items a few years ago and am about to sell some baby items. I can't
remember what her exact words were but something along the lines that
she wanted my user name so she could f...