Saved search results a mess again.


Is there any way to return the formatting of emailed saved search results back to the way they were?
It is ridiculous to use now - the emails are now formatted to a very narrow width, meaning most of the window pane is empty of content.

I assume this is for the benefit of those with ipods or whatever... I use a PC, with Thunderbird as my email programme.

This new format isnt working, and I might as well just disable my saved search results at this point. I just wish you guys would stop messing with it... Can anything be done please? Tnx

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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

No interest... figures 🙂

Also, the subject headers are also mangled - my searches limited to a geographical area no longer titled that way, making it harder again to make use of the results.

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

It gets better now, as the saved search emails arrive at 7:30PM at night...


And, now I'm getting hundreds of results, which is impossible.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

eBay don't read the boards as they are run by Lithium.


May be go to your saved searches page and click on the Tell us what you think at the top right of that page.


That way you are contacting them and offering a suggestion at the same time.good.gif

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

Thanks, I 'told them what I thought' for the last freakin' time...

Every few months they mangle the saved searches and I contact eBay about it. I just did it for the last time.

I'm at the point of giving up on saved searches. They worked perfectly fine once - now they f*ck with them every couple of months.

Why I have NO idea... but I'm tired of having to deal with it. I don't think it's worth the time and effort any more.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

oh you sound the same as I must do - every time ebay frik around with their frikkin 'followed' (**bleep**, is this facebook now?) searches I contact them.  Don't hear squat from them.  And then they just stuff it up further than they had already stuffed it up.  You can't change a search successfully, none of the filters work successfully or consistently, it drives me mad. 


Over the years I have bought several truck loads of **bleep** on ebay, most of which have been via saved searches. These are now pointless.  How much do I buy on ebay now?  Just slightly higher than diddly squat.


Ebay changes in general are to suit themselves.  Once several years ago I did have a young person respond to a complaint I made about a recent change in 'My Ebay' - and was told 'we can understand that people your age do not respond well to changes' - can you imagine my response to that one?


But yes, I'm with you, I'm having fun now checking my email where I have one that says 7933 items new matches to my search.  But guess what, once my search criteria are reinserted to the search, after much stuffing around, there are only 10.  Cause I didn't want to search in Taiwan for bedside tables.


Well ebay may not read these forums, but neither do they read the 'tell us what you think' responses.  Either that, or they continue to think that somebody of my advanced age (keh?) is not worthy of an opinion.  Regardless of the fact I have worked in IT & online systems for over 25 years now....

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

'**bleep**'???!!!??? and not one swear word in there? since when... oh hang on, they are saving all of their IT resources for important things, like making sure members can't contact each other off ebay & stuff like that. And bleeping innocent words....
Message 7 of 9
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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

Yep, heard nothing back. Beyond caring any more... it's futile trying to get them to fix something and then LEAVE IT ALONE...

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Saved search results a mess again.

I am the same as you , just about over it. My searches are useless now, gone from 50 saved searches emails a day to lucky if I get 1
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