on โ13-09-2015 06:15 PM
I've been an Ebayer for quite some time. I've noticed that the site is getting slower and slower to load and it is impacting on my ability to search and purchase items. In fact it is the last place I go to now - I'd rather go to the actual shops than sit here for hours waiting to see what a search brings up.
I have unlimited download, broadband and this is the only site I'm really struggling with. Once I put in search terms it brings up a list of goodies to look at but down the bottom left it says it is trying to load this ad or another - the ads generally located down the right hand side of the page.
I appreciate the need for advertising but this is making it impossible for me to look and buy anything so it sort of defeats the purpose. I'm just sitting there waiting every single search I do or every single search parameter I change. If I go in to look at an item when I go back out to my results page the same thing happens. I can't do a damn thing until all the ads load.
My cookies and cache are cleared regularly so it doesn't seem to be related to that. It has been going on for several months now and nothing else has changed as far as my pc and programs go.
Any advice or are others finding this same problem?
on โ13-09-2015 06:45 PM
on โ13-09-2015 06:55 PM
If you are using Internet Explorer then download Firefox,(which has an add blocker) or Google Chrome.
They are both a lot more eBay friendly then IE,(which runs slow when trying to access eBay).
I use both and haven't used IE for years,
on โ15-09-2015 05:47 PM
I'm a Google Chrome Girl! I might have to look into an ad blocker as it is driving me nuts. I used to love spending hours trawling on ebay for stuff to buy that I didn't need but it is just so slow that I've stopped bothering. I'd hate to be still on dial up and trying to use it!
on โ15-09-2015 10:52 PM
Adblock plus is also available for Chrome.