Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!

Community Member

I think Ebay are doing us a disservice buy allowing sellers to make second chance offers. Even if they provide the service there are many easy ways to avoid us being exploited and Ebay are not doing it. I have no doubt over 99% of second chance offers are fraudulent. They are always by ID's with 1 or 2 histories and the sellers even have the audacity to contact you minutes after it has (supposedly) sold to give you a chance to buy at the (Highest) price they know you are willing to pay. SHAME on you ebay!! How can i stop the second chance offers?

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Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!

I sometimes offer 2nd chance as I often have two items the same, If at auction I can only list single item and will offer 2nd chance


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Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!

@agenero wrote:

I think Ebay are doing us a disservice buy allowing sellers to make second chance offers. Even if they provide the service there are many easy ways to avoid us being exploited and Ebay are not doing it. I have no doubt over 99% of second chance offers are fraudulent. They are always by ID's with 1 or 2 histories and the sellers even have the audacity to contact you minutes after it has (supposedly) sold to give you a chance to buy at the (Highest) price they know you are willing to pay. SHAME on you ebay!! How can i stop the second chance offers?

I think you are being a little bit harsh. Maybe you have had a bad experience which has coloured your view ? Although there are a few sellers who are running dodgy sales with shill bidding, these are rarer than you might expect. The fact that many buyers are wary of second chance offers means they often end up with no sale at all. Most sellers only offer second chance offers if they have an identical duplicate product to sell, or THE BUYER HAS NOT PAID, which happens all of the time to sellers. They are a legitimate tool for all ebayers to use or reject as they please. Many buyers have similar views to yours and wont accept 2nd chance offers even if legitimate. Its up to each individual to make thier own decisions. I regularly send buyers second chance offers for duplicate items and many buyers are glad to accept as they often wish they had purchased the item in the original auction. The answer is pretty simple really, if you feel second chance offers are not for you, ignore them and they will lapse in a day or two.

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Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!

Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!


I beg to differ. I have bought many items for less than the highest I was prepared to pay via second chance offers. Of course, it depends on the individual seller and how they operate, but there are a lot of sellers who send out SCOs to all underbidders, and some who will send them out to anyone who bid over a certain amount.


If a seller is known to send out SCOs, all I do is bid at the opening price or an amount that I know will garner an SCO - it doesn't matter then if I win or not (I usually don't), because then I know I will get the SCO and pay the lowest possible price. 


SCOs are handy for a lot of situations, they can save the rigmarole of going through the auction process again, and risking losing again. The prices are automatically set (by eBay) to offer at the bidder's max bid, so that's not the seller's doing - you do have a bit of control of how much you bid on an item, and if you're prepared to pay that price for it and lost, what's the big drama about getting an offer to buy it at your price afterall? Personally, I don't suddenly not want to pay that much for an item just because someone else bid more on it. 


Shilling is a problem sometimes, I agree, but you can help avoid that by bidding at the last possible moment. 


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Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!

I too beg to differ, I have been selling on ebay for a very long time and have sent out many second chance offfers and have never tried to extort or defraud anyone. If you think a second chance offer isn't legitamate then don't accept it, nobody is forcing you to and you can actually choose the option not to receive second chance offers.


I have also accepted many SCOs over the years and have never seen any evidence that there was extortion or fraud going on.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!

You are talking rubbish,how are you being extorted? a second chance offer is what it says and if you put in a bid and were outbid and the winner never paid for the item then you receive the offer as your bid was the second highest and you either except it or not,also the seller may have more quantities of that item and therefor has offered it to you at the price you bid but didn't win.If anything I think that buyers that don't except the second chance offer are the ones in the first place that really didn't want to win/buy the item.

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Second chance offers serves to extort us buyers, nothing else!!!

I've bought a few second chance offers and never had any trouble with them. I think in some cases, the seller had more than one item and in a couple of cases, sales had fallen through.


I do feel sorry for sellers where they have someone who doesn't pay up because by the time they get round to sending the second chance offer,  I can imagine a lot of buyers would have moved on, bought elsewhere or lost interest. Non paying bidders should be shot.Woman Wink

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