Seller / Buyer Contact Information

Why does Ebay restrict prospective buyers or sellers from requesting contact details so viewing of the item prior to purchase can take place. This policy restricts sales and forces a buyer to buy sight unseen.

It is an unfair policy to all concerned

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Seller / Buyer Contact Information

@kactusjack5163 wrote:
I was selling a motor vehicle where people naturally wanted to come and inspect the item. I tried to send my contact details so they could and ebay suspended my messages account.
It just didn't make common sense so I deleted ALL my items on eBay and now list on Carsales or Gumtree where their policies and fees make sense.
I wonder how many others did the same.
I'll still buy off eBay but never again will I be a seller.

Ebay does not want sellers/buyers exchanging contact information of any kind before a sale, that much is obvious. The reason is pretty clear, they want their cut of commission and are worried they're going to miss out.


Obviously though, there are some things people are going to want to view before they buy. Cars & houses & wedding frocks fall into those categories & probably some other things too.There  is only one way around this that i can see.

Ebay will have to make some categories have straight out expensive listing fees payable up front whether the item sells or not (I think they already do have this in some categories). But with no more to be paid if they do sell.

But.. ebay also needs to change the rules for these listings in that once that ad has been paid for, sellers & buyers should be allowed to  exchange information.


If ebay doesn't want to do this, it should get out of the business of selling some categories of things. As you say, carsales is where most people now go to buy or sell, ebay wouldn't be a person's first thought when searching for a car.

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