on 05-11-2023 09:53 AM
I bid for a used wedding dress and won the auction. $79 starting bid, nobody else made any offers.
After paying, the seller then contacts me and says she made an error and had actually wanted to sell it for $2000 claiming ignorance with how to list an auction item.
I agreed to be refunded.
Seller then advised me she tried to cancel the sale but system won't let her and ebay advised her to tell me to ask for a refund.
I have tried but system won't let me cancel as it's 'too late' and if I try the 'item not received' option the system tells me it's too early.
Should I just wait out the delivery time and try again or is there a way to get this done by contacting ebay directly?
on 05-11-2023 09:58 AM
Send the seller the link below on how to cancel the order, contacting eBay will probably be a waste of time.
on 06-11-2023 05:23 PM
As Padi said. Or wait till the EDD has passed and open an item not recieved case. You will eventually be refunded, and the seller should get a strike.
on 07-11-2023 02:04 AM
She's full of it. After all, keying in $79.00 is so close to keying in $2,000, I can see where she made the mistake. I suspect she expected to get some bidding war happening, which are very rare on ebay these days.
Go to your local bridal shops and look at the specials rack. They are usually "last years" stock. I got my wedding dress for $180, marked down from $1,900. Yes, it was brand new. Not like it was ex rental or anything.
Whatever you do, DO NOT fall for those ebay ads where they will make the dress for you. 9 out of 10 end up in disaster. They are usually Chinese sellers and dirt cheap. What some people have received is horrific. Absolutely nothing like the photos. Only thing correct is the colour of the fabric.
on 07-11-2023 08:22 AM
I'd second that. The seller obviously expected to sell for much more & if she wanted $2000 then she should have listed at that price.
I don't blame her for not wanting to go ahead with the sale at $79 if it was a very expensive frock but she needs to get off her backside and read up on how to cancel a sale, give a refund.
Miny, you as buyer cannot cancel the sale.
Do as others have said & open an ebay claim after the due arrival date has passed.
As for finding a frock, the bridal shops do sometimes have some marked down. I've never seen such a wonderful bargain as sons&daughters got but you can definitely find some at good prices so it is worth a look.
Marketplace is another option and has the bonus that if you look in the local area, you'll be able to go see it before buying.
If buying second hand, check if it has been dry cleaned as that adds hundreds of dollars to the cost.
Alterations will also often cost a few hundred.
on 07-11-2023 09:08 AM
@springyzone wrote:I'd second that. The seller obviously expected to sell for much more & if she wanted $2000 then she should have listed at that price.
I don't blame her for not wanting to go ahead with the sale at $79 if it was a very expensive frock but she needs to get off her backside and read up on how to cancel a sale, give a refund.
Miny, you as buyer cannot cancel the sale.
Do as others have said & open an ebay claim after the due arrival date has passed.
As for finding a frock, the bridal shops do sometimes have some marked down. I've never seen such a wonderful bargain as sons&daughters got but you can definitely find some at good prices so it is worth a look.
Marketplace is another option and has the bonus that if you look in the local area, you'll be able to go see it before buying.
If buying second hand, check if it has been dry cleaned as that adds hundreds of dollars to the cost.
Alterations will also often cost a few hundred.
There were some that were an even bigger bargain, but they weren't the dresses for me. Basically they were "old stock" that they figured better to get something for them, than have them end up in the bin.
If the OP lives in the city, that really opens things up as far as shops go. Unless I wanted to go driving, I had the choice of one store. If I couldn't find anything that I liked, I would have got in the car.
Good point about the dry cleaning. I have seen dresses advertised that clearly hadn't been dry cleaned. I wouldn't consider listing if it hadn't!
on 07-11-2023 11:29 AM
Yours was a wonderful find, sons & daughters. I just love it when I can find a real bargain price for some item. And you'd have known you were getting a quality item too.
I, like you, have heard horror stories of people who order from China. Some of the Chinese sellers copy photos from designer websites but you can guarantee you wouldn't be getting a frock that looks the same.
There are a lot of bridal shops around & always worth doing a tour of them as they almost always have a few on sale.
One of my daughters managed to get a design that was new in, while the store had a $500 off promotion on it.