on โ07-02-2015 01:38 PM
My daughter `bought` a bookcase but did not pay straight away as she was picking up and the seller asked for cash on pick up.
Over Christmas my daugher messaged 4 or 5 times asking if she could pick up, but each time was put off, various different reasons given.
Eventually she phoned and said she really wanted to pick up as she was trying to get her little girl`s room finished before they went away for their holiday. (By now about 3 weeks had passed)
The seller said she still wasn`t ready for pick up as her move had been delayed, and she wasn`t going to be bullied!
The seller then cancelled the sale and relisted the bookcase, getting $10.00 more for it the second time round.
We guessed at this point that she had not received as much for her bookcase as she had hoped for originally.
What if anything can we do at this point to `report` this seller?
on โ10-02-2015 08:46 PM
The last load of spamming was under a different (slightly) ID Sheepie so I assume the original one was thrown overboard somewhere off the coast of eBali.