on โ08-11-2014 08:26 PM
Two items I really wanted. Waited hours to bid. With fifteen seconds still to go --- according to Ebay-Time -- I placed my bid.
And up came the screen: ' Bidding has ended for this item' or whatever it says
I stayed away from this place for over six months
Returned a couple of days ago to discover it's even worse than when I left
Soon as I've completed a couple more items I'm out of here
and I'll be staying away for a lot longer than six months, next time around
โ09-11-2014 01:24 PM - edited โ09-11-2014 01:25 PM
I had that happen a few years ago on an item I really wanted and the actual winner got dirt cheap,
I was determined that it would never happen again so I've used Gixen ever since,(I've only lost a few auctions
but that was only because they passed the limit I set for myself),
Most of the others I've won when Gixen has bid above the manual sniper,(on the last item they bid with less then
6 seconds to go but got out bid by my Gixen bid which was $12 less then my maximum),
on โ10-11-2014 11:05 AM
Mine does the same, just logs in an out, Sometimes it can do it half dozen times in an hour. And if ya not actually downloading
or searching for something, ya dont reallynotice.
on โ10-11-2014 04:50 PM
Yep. I always blame my ISP, not ebay. Or not even them, just the vagaries of the Internet and connectivity.