Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

Very Strange Request.

I lodged Item Not Recived claim In PayPal as I didnt have Item.  I won the Claim & PayPal found in my favour & awarded me refund.

Now I get A offical Ebay Request to Cancel Sale..  Even After PayPal Claim is open & Shut & Recived Refund

Why would i get such weird Request?   Is this Perhaps a sellers Way Get Fees back??? 

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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

The seller would have sent that to get their FVF refunded.

If it took a dispute to get your money back and the seller did not help then decline it.

Message 2 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

I don't think it's strange request.

Even though you didn't receive the item it doesn't mean the seller didn't post it. You won the dispute because the seller couldn't prove she/he posted. The seller must have posted via regular post.

As PayPal found your favour seller has lost both item, postage she/he paid and money you paid. On top of that the seller still have to pay FVF for the item to eBay.

I would cancel the transaction for the seller whether it took PayPal dispute to get refund or not. Think about how you feel when a parcel goes missing and you have to refund to buyer and also have to pay eBay fee on the item. It's not so strange that the seller want at least FVF back.

Message 3 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

Syrups is perfectly right, Please cancel the transaction, sellers can do it very tough and the vast majority are hard working honest folks. It is unfortunate that just occasionally things do go "missing" in the post.

Message 4 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

How is an item gone missing in the pst, if in fact it was actually sent at all, your problem? NO decline the request. As sparklz said. it took a dispute to get your refund so obviously the seller wasn't any help to start with so why do them any favours.

Message 5 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

Yes i agree with the last post, did it go missing in the mail or was it not sent at all? With the little information the OP has posted it is hard to say. By agreeing to the cancellation they may be assisting a non performing seller. Or they may be making the situation worse for someone that has actually had something go missing in the mail.

Message 6 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

Honored Contributor

Garfieldau, did you have to open a dispute because the seller would not refund or was opening a dispute your only way of letting the seller know the item had not arrived?

If you had to open the dispute because the seller would not help you, then you would be justified in denying the request.  If you opened a dispute before giving the seller an opportunity to refund than you would be very unfair to refuse them their fee refund.

Message 7 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

Community Member

I think the whole thing depends on what the seller said during the dispute. If the seller just let you waited the whole time and not responding at all, the s/he definitely deserved a 'decline' on cancellation request. On the other hand, if the seller did provide you with information about when and how the item was posted, say regular post which doesn't have tracking number, and suggested you check your local post office in case the driver missed you during the first attempted delivery but forgot to leave you a card....... The I would say it's very likely the seller did post the item to you but unfortunately it just went missing. FYI, you have no idea how many parcels gone missing a year by auspost.

So, just to be fair, though you can't really prove whether the seller posted the item or not, deep down I believe from the way s/he responded to your dispute, you should be able to tell whether this is an honest seller or not. Sometimes, it's just a hunch. Also, everyone knows paypal is no longer optional, if buyers pay via paypal, what are the chances that a seller can get away with it if s/he didn't send the item at all, most sellers know it, but how many are stupid enough to try to cheat it?!

Message 8 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

Why would a seller pay a fee for a sale that didn't happen? It should be refunded automatically through ebay IMO. And why would you think it was strange that a seller wants to reduce fees to offer products at a competitive price.


Just accept the cancellation....

Message 9 of 18
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Re: Seller wants cancel sale.. Even after paypal found in my favour?

garfield, you don't need to agree to the cancellation (or rather, seller doesn't need you to agree to anything) - seller WILL get their FVF back after 8 days as the refund was issued through PP.

So you might as well click on it and agree, otherwise it'll be sitting in your alerts for next 8 days.

You will not have the option of dictating weather seller gets the FVF or not.

Cheers, Helen.

Message 10 of 18
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