Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Community Member

When selling I have ALWAYS given feedback when the customer pays for the item. The quicker they pay the better the feedback.  AS IT SHOULD BE.

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When buying how ever I have found a lot of sellers do not leave feedback until you leave them feedback.  Is this GOOD practice?  I don't think so, in fact it causes me to give poorer feedback than I may have originally as I class this activity as bad customer relations in the 'seller's communication' area.  As a rule I start asking why I had not received any feedback after four to five days, then if I do not receive a reasonable answer and immeadiate feedback the seller loses points.  As a majority of postal times from sellers average at least 7 days I usually wait that long before "reducing" the stars on communication.  Then every four days they lose another.

Today I contacted a seller asking "why?" on an item 320731808127 purchased on the 9th of May and received this reply:

"Dear robert_053,

thank you for your information.
our system work that when customer leave me positive feedback.
the system leave him positive also.
please leave me first.


to which I have replied:


Hello Miranda,
That is very rude.
I order and pay for items straight away and so I expect positive feedback STRAIGHT AWAY!
What YOU are doing is extorting good feedback from customers so they will get good feedback too.
IF you had checked my members profile page you would have discovered that this is a particular "HATE" of mine.
It also causes those sellers who do it to LOSE 'points' when it comes to me making my assessment.
To me that is a "failure for proper seller's communication"
**excerpt from my page
Business Information

NOTICE TO SELLERS!When I purchase your product and Pay immediately, I EXPECT feedback immediately!! Should you delay feedback, until I receive the item and give YOU feedback, you WILL receive LESS STARS in communication the longer you delay!


Do YOU think I am right in doing this?

Message 1 of 195
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194 REPLIES 194

Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Community Member

If it bothers you all that much Robert just ignore the feedback totally.

If this thread goes around in many more circles we'll all end up disappearing up our own exhaust pipes.

Message 101 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Community Member

If this thread goes around in many more circles we'll all end up disappearing up our own exhaust pipes.

In ever-diminishing circles ... ... lol


Message 102 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Community Member

 I kinda just thought you realised what a tool you had been

I definitely WAS being a tool but it was almost enjoyable being the Devil's Advocate ]:) for a while I am ashamed to admit. 😉

It was helpful to me also as some folks pointed out where I had been a tool in a listing of my own.:-( ...  (See reply 23)

From that I have learnt NOT to nick stuff off other peoples listings just to make mine look better - being pretentious actually. Which serves me right. 😄

 I like your sig ... ... maybe I should use it too. LOL

Message 103 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Couldn't agree more!

I agree also.


"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 104 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Community Member

I don't know about just putting this OP on your blocked list, perhaps they should be addeed to everyone's "Totally Ignore The Fool" list lol.

Message 105 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Community Member

Pesonally each of them little symbols are reminders for me.

The obvious 1 being,when ive dispatched I hit the dispatched box. When im left feedback,I know for definate my buyer has recieved.

Then I leave my feedback and its time to delete that item,everything with that transaction is done with.

Its just the way I do it,,not for any reason but it kind of simplifys things in my head for me.

Just because I may not choose to so things your way OP doesnt mean my way is wrong!!!

Sellers can only give POS feedback anyway so this thread doesnt even make sense because even if your waiting for feedback,you have no worrriess as a buyer,you can be guarenteed that no matter how difficult you have been towards the seller a good feedback or none at all!!!!

Message 106 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Community Member

Some very interesting comments. The crux of the issue is the foundation upon which eBay is built on. That being feedback. Without it there would be a lot of problems. (resolution centre being inundated for one) Building a good reputation is the foundation of any good business. So why then should you build a seller's reputation and he doesn't reciprocate. A community such as eBay protects itself by this process of giving and receiving feedback. Recently I dealt with a seller and left positive feedback. The seller now has 16700 positives but he does not bother to reward good customers by doing the same. Buyers deal with him because of this good reputation. But what about mine??

Message 107 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

jujoo unless you are selling you can only have a good reputation when it comes to feedback. As a seller and buyer I can assure you that alot more buyers do not leave feedback than sellers.

A quick look at your feedback stats show 301 left and 290 received now maths is not my strong point but it looks to me that about 3.6% of sellers have not left you feedback. Compare that to mine (mostly selling account) I've left 432 and received 375 that works out to around 13% of buyers don't leave me feedback.

It use to be about 8% until they changed it to buyers receiving positive only, since then I find less and less leave it.

Message 108 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Is this thread never going to die by intimation (or anything else):_|

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 109 of 195
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Sellers extorting feedback by intimation?

Honored Contributor

A bit unlikely PJ.  It is Forum Law....the more ridiculous a thread the longer it keeps going.:^O

Message 110 of 195
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