Shady neighbour

Friday 7.45am I think possibly my Ebay parcel may have been nicked from my front door as I heard and saw courier attempting to deliver it. Think it would have been Australia post contractor (also viewed a scuffle with someone) then saw courier leave to get back into post van, went to check for parcel but no luck. Parcel from Canada, no track number. Saw somebody grab courier by his top, positive it was female attacking him . Would have been person who lives in my block of flats. Saw all this from my loungeroom window. Could anyone advise me what to do at all? I have home contents insurance. I am hoping courier put parcel back into van due to the trouble. Very very distressing. Would have run to front door but was in pyjamas. Spoke with post office this morning personally but they did not seem that concerned. Any good ideas about what I can do?
Message 1 of 195
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Shady neighbour

Ratings, sir, ratings.


It's a long time since commercial 'current affairs' programmes involved anything like responsible journalism.


Or any type of journalism.

Message 101 of 195
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Shady neighbour

I am sure that lyndal will voice her disapproval of the "sting" if she saw it.  It painted couriers in a very poor light.  As I posted previously, NO COURIER would have behaved that way, not even the bad ones.


I hope couriers Australia wide phoned and complained to ACA / channel 9 / WIN TV.


I think that they should be subject to an investigation by the broadcasting authority over irresponsible journalism storytelling.

Message 102 of 195
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Shady neighbour

I stop watching it  years ago when it became a cross between No Idea, Jerry Springer and the shopping channel. As Dave said, they mock up things for ratings. No Idea has admitted that very few of their stories are true. Their "reliable sources" are quite often the coffee boy. ACA is no different. Occasionally they'd air something that meant something, but most of it these days is absolute tripe and very unbelievable. People still fall for it, that's why they keep doing it.

Message 103 of 195
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Shady neighbour

I went to the ACA webpage and they have the story there for all to see.  I took some screengrabs to show what I was posting about before.  Notice how the presents are presented in Cam's "to camera" intro compared to how the presents in the body of the story are presented.



ACA delivery sting 1.JPGACA delivery sting speakers.JPGACA delivery sting beer.JPG

Message 104 of 195
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Shady neighbour

I have not had a chance to look at the segment yet...I was videoing it and the machine played up so I will have to go to the ACA site.


But just on what I have seen here it is the usual beat up of couriers...what's new.


I have to agree that the tinsel is a nice little touch that just does not happen in the real world of couriers, but boxes with no wrapping paper and just a label stuck on is very common.  And more often than not the labels do not stick and the drivers have to tape them on....we go through rolls of clear wide packing tape just mending the packages we pick up.


As for couriers wearing hiviz vests....many of them do, even though all companies are supposed to be using hiviz shirts now.  They save a lot of wear and tear on the shirt fronts and are easier to wash.

And very few couriers carry clip boards or Con note pads unless they are picking up from a company that needs more con notes....then they deliver them by the box load.Smiley LOL


What they do carry now is a scanning gun which is carried in a holder on their belt....the customer signs on the screen and it is transmitted to base immediately.


Professional couriers would never leave anything on the fence as that picture shows.  If there is no acess to the building then the parcel should be carded and returned to base or in the case of AP couriers or StarTrack they should be taken to the PO for pick up,

Some couriers will leave parcels inside the lobby of a block of units, especially if the letterboxes are in the lobby area but this is supposed to be by agreement with the individual unit owners/occupiers.

Message 105 of 195
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Shady neighbour

And I actually believe some of that footage was from a previous year's segment ........ tinsel? no wrapping? ......... Jeez - so much in ACA stories is set up or out of context - they often employ "jerry Springer-type talent" to act in these stories.

Message 106 of 195
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Shady neighbour

I saw someone posting Christmas presents the other day. She wanted some sent express so put  the wrapped presents in a satchel. The others were soft looking gifts wrapped in Christmas paper, tied up with string and an addressed envelope taped by 2 corners. They were sent as is with the postage label stuck onto the envelope. 


I wonder if AP will get the blame when they arrived ripped to shreds? We stopped pre wrapping gifts when we drove a distance to family because the paper would get ripped travelling in the car. Imagine going through the AP system!!


The PO suggested putting them in a box or satchel, but they declined.

Message 107 of 195
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Shady neighbour

can you imagine a 20 kg product dropped from a meter high would of done to the parcel [ouch]


ps  maybe the program was not set up and people still send parcels like that.

Message 108 of 195
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Shady neighbour

Ah, the good old days, before sticky tape, when you could tie

your brown paper parcel with string.


And they would get there intact


And the Post Office cared

Message 109 of 195
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Shady neighbour

they also showed clips of a lady going up to the door of a house! and it wasnt about the couriers, no one is having a go at them, it was about human nature, and stealing!!
Message 110 of 195
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