on 27-07-2012 06:09 PM
Hi all,
I'd just like to ask for some advice regarding something I bought 6 weeks ago from the US (Koni Shocks).
The period for lodging a Paypal claim (45 days) is up tomorrow & yesterday the seller sent me a tracking number through UPS.
This seems a very calculated & convenient time for the seller to be sending this info through. They did initially tell me, after the sale, they weren't in stock & asked if i was happy to wait. I accepted though didn't think it would be this long.
They say they have 10 of these in stock on their listing so they are drop shipping right from the start, which is something I'm not happy with, but there were only a few sellers of these that didn't want to charge a fortune to send to Oz.
Should I start a Paypal claim just incase or will it get canned straight away because they can provide a tracking number? I checked the number out with UPS & for all I can tell, they could be sending me an empty box...
Thanks, Al.
on 27-07-2012 06:26 PM
Start a dispute with paypal but do not escalate to a claim for the time being. If it is being sent by UPS it will be here fairly quickly...well before the 20 days you have in which to escalate.
Paypal does not get involved until you escalate so no need to worry that a claim will be denied.
As soon as the item arrives you can cancel the dispute or change it to a Not as Described claim if the item is not what you are expecting.
on 27-07-2012 06:27 PM
Open PP dispute, that will give you another 20 days of protection. tell the seller you are opening the dispute because your 45 days is almost up and that you will wait bit longer for the item to arrive. 🙂
on 27-07-2012 06:30 PM
Thank you for your comments, I'm not new to eBay however I only just realised some of the time I can put in a PP claim has been reduced.
I will start a claim & inform the sellers...thanks again for the advice.
on 27-07-2012 06:58 PM
So bloody typical...trying to start a PP claim & now telling me it's an invalid transaction number!!!!
on 27-07-2012 07:11 PM
Call paypal straight away to get the dispute started DO NOT leave it any longer.
on 27-07-2012 07:38 PM
I have had a Paypal account since forever and it has always been 45 days to open a dispute.
You should be opening the dispute through the Paypal transaction unless, when you purchased, it was done direct through the US site and the listing said ebay protection at the top. In that case it will be an ebay dispute.
on 27-07-2012 07:52 PM
Open PP dispute, that will give you another 20 days of protection. tell the seller you are opening the dispute because your 45 days is almost up and that you will wait bit longer for the item to arrive. 🙂
Sound advice. It seems fair to cover yourself by starting a claim on anything that hasn't arrived by 44 days but let the seller know and be curteous throughout the process. It just gives you another option.
on 27-07-2012 07:54 PM
Yes thanks all, I have now opened a case. I normally get stuff from the US withi 3 weeks so I should be covered now.
on 28-07-2012 10:52 AM
Just be careful you do not miss the deadline. Mark the day 19 on your calendar in red 🙂