Unrequested cancellation

I recently purchased 3 items. Before paying I requested combined postage if possible. The seller invoiced an unchanged post amount. I politely messaged her and said if that is actually the price of the postage I have absolutely no problem and paid immediately.

The seller has now refunded the total payment claiming I requested the cancellation.

I can live without the items but have a problem with them being able to claim the cancellation was my idea without communication as backup.

I feel I have done nothing wrong and that they are offended I asked for combined post.

My concern is also bad feedback.

Is there anything I can do to correct the record to say that the SELLLER did the cancelling?


Message 1 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

I politely messaged her and said if that is actually the price of the postage I have absolutely no problem and paid immediately.


To Me the inference is, on receipt of the items I intend to check the stamp fee, and if I have been charged 1c more, then I have a problem.

I would see the buyer as potential trouble.

Unfortunately I have encountered many similar buyers, who have no idea what ACTUAL postage costs involve, including ebays fee on postage.  I have even had buyers that I have supplied a full breakdown of postage cost to, still refuse to pay 1c more than stamp fee.  Some buyers will just never be happy no matter what discount you give them.

Message 11 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

Exactly,  as soon as they put in actually it became a totally different proposition from I'm happy to I'm grumpy

Message 12 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

Yes, there are buyers who think the envelope or bubble wrap etc. don't cost anything and want the same postage as the stamps, but in this case -

- the OP asked for combined postage

- the seller sent an invoice with no discount

- the OP allegedly gladly accepted

- the seller cancelled.

That does not really make sense. If the seller thought the OP was potential trouble, would he or she even have bothered to send the invoice?

Message 13 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

And could have meant - oh OK no combined postage - so the postage is ' actually ' right.


And paid.

Message 14 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation


I politely messaged her and said if that is actually the price of the postage I have absolutely no problem and paid immediately.


So they are apparently happy and have paid.

Why the need for the final above message,  except to emphasize the ACTUAL postage costs.

Once they have paid there is absolutely no need for any further correspondence on the matter.

If you think this final message is sent with a smiley face  and a cheerful wave, think again.

To me it is a warning and nothing more, and the seller was smart enough to see it for what it was.




Message 15 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

That does not really make sense. If the seller thought the OP was potential trouble, would he or she even have bothered to send the invoice?


Uhm.   The seller has sent the invoice, before the OP has sent the final (warning) message.


Message 16 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

You missed a step

- the OP asked for combined postage

- the seller sent an invoice with no discount

- the OP allegedly gladly accepted

- the OP sent final message  (warning)

- the seller cancelled.

Message 17 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

@gutterpunkz05 wrote:


I politely messaged her and said if that is actually the price of the postage I have absolutely no problem and paid immediately.


So they are apparently happy and have paid.

Why the need for the final above message,  except to emphasize the ACTUAL postage costs.

Once they have paid there is absolutely no need for any further correspondence on the matter.

If you think this final message is sent with a smiley face  and a cheerful wave, think again.

To me it is a warning and nothing more, and the seller was smart enough to see it for what it was.




Very cynical of you GP.


The buyer asked for combined postage - a message.


The buyer was sent an invoice - no combined postage.


So the buyer sent a message saying Ok - no problem.


Then paid.


She does not mention any further messages - only paid the ' actual ' postage given.


  1. 1.
    as the truth or facts of a situation; really.
Message 18 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

And further - the buyer in this case the OP - has a record of positive feedback given - no mention of the postage was not exactly what the ' stamps ' show.


Which - in the circumstances you are describing GP - would be there. IMHO

Message 19 of 31
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Unrequested cancellation

Dom.  you seem to have missed in the message,  if that is the ACTUAL.

I may be cynical, but from experience that is exactly what I see as the intent of the message.

It could be considered a virtual  proviso.

As stated there was no genuine reason for the OP to send that message.


From experience if the sale was completed, there is a very good chance it may have been followed with

Neg FB  and/or  INAD  (here take it back and stuff your postage where the sun don't shine)

Cynical or honest  ???

Message 20 of 31
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