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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

A seller opened an unpaid item case against me for 2 books without contacting me first. I have until 20 June 2019 to pay. I contacted her and I apologised and told her I want to complete the transaction. She replied with a rude email. After trying to pay for 2 days and continually getting an error message, I contacted eBay who informed me that the seller has blocked me from paying the unapid items, and that I am going to get an unpaid item strike on my account because it is not possible for me to pay. They said they would intercede on my behalf, then said they wouldn't. I tried to contact the seller again and she has also blocked me from contacting her. Is there anything else I can do?


I also left feedback about what happened, and it has been erased. What can I do about that? Buyers should be able to leave feedback when a seller is refusing to complete a transaction.

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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

You get notices regarding items you have bought so if you don't pay promptly then the seller has every right to open an unpaid case without contacting you. Most sellers don't have the time to be continually dealing with problem buyers so they usually block them from buying to avoid future hassles.


One unpaid strike will not do you any harm but if you get two or more then you will not be able to buy from sellers who have their blocks in place. 

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 2 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

Most non-payers never answer communication from sellers so it's usually a waste of time contacting slow payers. If you buy something and need time to pay you need to contact the seller straight away, not wait for them to do it.

I'm not sure the CS rep is right. I didn't know a seller could block someone from paying once they'd bought something. Even if they put you on their blocked list (which usually happens if you don't pay and don't communicate), if there's a transaction in progress you can usually continue to send messages.

Are you sure it's not something else that's preventing you from paying? Some sellers are having problems paying their fees from their paypal account at the moment so perhaps there's a problem with the connection between ebay and paypal with your transaction too.
Message 3 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

I'm guessing the seller has seen your feedback left for others and decided to dodge a bullet. I can't blame her for blocking you. You clearly have a lot of issues buying on eBay. Maybe it's not the place for you.

Message 4 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

I did not get any notices apart from one email from the seller telling me she would hold the items I had won so I could continue bidding on other items, and then combine postage. I replied to her email, and also sent her another 3 emails about it.


I put this message up here for help and some of the replies have been quite nasty. Around the time I won the first item my partner found out he has a brain aneruysm. He has had to have MRI's, CT scans, blood tests, and see a brain surgeon twice. He has had to cut back on a lot of activity to stop his blood pressure from going up. We have been extremeley worried, and I didn't contact the seller for a week. I informed the seller of this and she didn't care.


I have excellent feedback on here, I have never refused to pay. I always leave honest feedback. I rarely leave negative feedback, and I only do so when it is absolutely deserved. I wonder how the people who left unpleasant messages on here would feel if this happend to them while worrying their partner is going to die.


There are a lot of uncaring, unpleasant people on here.

Message 5 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

You say you rarely leave negative feedback. Out of 73 feedback left for others, 28 are negative. That is far from "rarely". I'm guessing your seller saw you as being a liability and baled out. I can only assume that the feedback you left was another red dot. As you have seen, sellers are able to get red dots removed.


As for the seller not caring, sellers often hear about illness or going to hospital when someone hasn't paid. It's the oldest excuse in the book. Not saying that is the case with you, but if I had $1 for every time someone said they got sick or went to hospital, I'd be a very rich person. 


"I wonder how the people who left unpleasant messages on here would feel if this happend to them while worrying their partner is going to die."

You're not the only person who has someone they love try to die on them at the most inconvenient time. In fact, there are a few here who have had that happen. Myself included. I ceased all eBay activity when that happened. I paid for any outstanding purchases and ended all my listings. I was then free to travel the 4+ hours each way to see surgeons, oncologists, speech pathologists, have MRI's, CT's, PET scans. 3 years later, we still have to make those trips several times a year. 


You aren't the first person to receive bad news and you certainly won't be the last. Most sellers don't really care because they have heard it all before. 


I hope your partner is OK and can have the wretched thing fixed.

Message 6 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

There are no unpleasant messages on here, simply honest and to the point responses 




Sellers have heard all the stories under the sun for buyers not paying, so you can blame all those scammers out there who will make up all kinds of stories for not paying, instead of again blaming the seller in this case. They have done as they are 100% have the right to do


You accuse people on here of being nasty and uncaring but it is fine for you to assume those same people are'nt going through their on h*ll on earth . But your situation is worse and deserves special care and entitles you to attack others

Well then, I had a brain tumour as a child (no, I am not making bleep up) so then that must mean I can state my opinion, just as you have. I also have a genetic disorder which means a whole array of health issues




As you are not a seller, you can only have 100% positive feedback so having excellent feedback is all you can have 



And leaving a revenge red dot is not 'deserved' it is being spiteful, especially when backed up by posting on a public forum asking what can 'be done' about this this seller 


Message 7 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

Mr Tippy had his entire voice box removed and now breathes through a hole in his neck. He can walk around all day with a plastic bag on his head and not die! Great party trick. He'd have killed to have a brain aneurysm, because at least once it's fixed, life goes on as normal.


He's never not paid for anything. In fact, when he accidentally bought an item twice, he paid for both of them so as not to inconvenience the seller. Even when he was really sick, he still had no issues paying for something, and never used his situation as an excuse.

Message 8 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

You say you rarely leave negative feedback. Out of 73 feedback left for others, 28 are negative. That is far from "rarely".


Out of over 4,000 transactions in more than 10 years on eBay I wouldn't have left anything like that many negs for sellers, probably less than a dozen, if that...............and only then as an absolute last resort.


Maybe that's 'cos I pick wonderful sellers though.      undefined


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 9 of 27
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What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying


in reply to maranock

@happynewyear wrote:

I did not get any notices apart from one email from the seller telling me she would hold the items I had won so I could continue bidding on other items, and then combine postage. I replied to her email, and also sent her another 3 emails about it.


I put this message up here for help and some of the replies have been quite nasty. Around the time I won the first item my partner found out he has a brain aneruysm. He has had to have MRI's, CT scans, blood tests, and see a brain surgeon twice. He has had to cut back on a lot of activity to stop his blood pressure from going up. We have been extremeley worried, and I didn't contact the seller for a week. I informed the seller of this and she didn't care.


Very sorry to hear this. I wish the best for you and your other half. Hopefully a positive outcome awaits you. Try to be positive.


@happynewyear wrote:



I have excellent feedback on here, I have never refused to pay. I always leave honest feedback. I rarely leave negative feedback, and I only do so when it is absolutely deserved. I wonder how the people who left unpleasant messages on here would feel if this happend to them while worrying their partner is going to die.



I have no doubt that some of your feedback is warranted and you've dealt with some disonest sellers and some sellers who while they honestly list things, don't take responsibility for their mistakes.


Please can I make a suggestion though. Why don't you try to re-invent your purchase history somwewhat by putting in a bit more time to negotiate with a seller. If a seller can realise that they have made a mistake and make some ammends, then they should be rewarded with a positive feedback rating. If they make things right for you but don't seem to get what it's all about, you have the option of leaving a negatve or just nothing at all. Or, you can leave a positive and just rate with the stars. * or ** or *** or **** etc.


Good luck with everything and plese just give a thought to what I'm saying about how you leave negatives as i can work against you sometimes.

@happynewyear wrote:



There are a lot of uncaring, unpleasant people on here.


Message 10 of 27
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