Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

Not applicable

Wanted to buy a Fjallraven Kanken backpack and realised that there are a LOT of FAKE items listed here on EBay Australia?? So changed the search criteria to pre-owned and the results came back with two pre-owned and a LOT of NEW listings that were not only FAKE but the sellers were APPARENTLY in AUSTRALIA??? I would not be able to sell a BRANDED item on EBay Australia if it wasn’t AUTHENTIC! Ebay would remove my listing so why do they allow this from FOREIGN sellers??? EBAY, please sort this out ASAP

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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

Just other buyers and seller like yourself on these boards, so you would need to contact eBay if you wish to tell them to sort it out


Have you reported the items?

Message 2 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

They're Chinese sellers who are the untouchable on ebay,nothing can be done about it,there are so many threads regarding fake chinese items.

Message 3 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

There is a "Report Button " on every listing.  Try that if you are unhappy.


Aside from that  How are Ebay to kinow if an item is FAKE unless someone complains.  As mentioned Asian sellers in particular are immune.

Message 4 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

Virtually everything we buy in Aust, and around the world are made in China. How do you tell the different between the fake and the genuine ones from a photo? I collect stamps so I do see a certain amout of fakes/forgeries advertised on eBay. eBay is not going to send someone out to inspect the item first before allowing them to advertise. You should take your enquiries up with eBay and do some home-work yourself. I doubt eBay can/will ever give you an un-faked answer.  Good luck. 

Message 5 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

eBay WILL NOT STOP Australian sellers from selling fake/counterfeit products, unless they receive a formal complaint accompanied by lenghty documentation from the copyright holder.

We have companied to eBay on many occasions of Australian sellers selling the Chinese counterfeit version of a product we sell and they do not seem to care

Message 6 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????


Message 7 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

I would suggest actually contacting the brand name owners via their official websites and letting them know what's going on. About a decade ago I used to sell official DVDs on eBay & i got really angry about saying that I was competing with sellers who was selling fakes, mostly Chinese knockoffs. I actually contacted a few of the bigger movie companies like Universal pictures,all Paramount, Touchstone etc to report that there were loads of fake DVDs been sold on eBay Australia. Maybe it did work because about six months later there was a huge rackdown on illegal DVDs on ebay especially ones coming in from China where most of the fakes were made

Message 8 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

Sorry typos using chrome, stupid fat fingers! Does anyone know how to access the discussion boards via the eBay app if possible? I couldn't seem to find it anywhere.
Message 9 of 28
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Why are Sellers allowed to sell FAKE BRANDED items on EBay Australia????

I don't use the eBay app. However, I do access eBay (including the boards) from my iPhone or iPad, by opening one of the web browsers on the mobile device (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) and typing in the address, clicking onto Discussion Forum from the main page, and then making sure that I click "Full" at the bottom of the page whenever it reverts to the mobile version.

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