on โ19-08-2016 05:39 PM
Hi i have been having trouble when buying items and having them sent to my aust post parcel locker. It only seems to happen when sellers are useing aust posts/ Ebay click and send. Even though on the invoice the address displays correct. When i wait for it's arrival for 10 days and it has not showed up i go to the post office and ask if they have it. Almost 100% of the time they do. The names there the address of the post office is right just the parcel locker number is missing. Do i have to address it in a curtain way or order to try to fix it. driving me mad now. Ideas anyone? Also aust post says they are not allowed to cross check names with numbers or just are not willing too.
on โ19-08-2016 10:53 PM
I'm pretty sure the a parcel locker address is the same as a parcel collect address. In which case it would be:
Joe Bloggs
Parcel Locker 12345-67890
123 Something st
Your Town 0000
Check that you've got it correct in your My Post account. It should show you how to address parcel lockers.