on โ05-04-2014 01:10 PM
different times between the u.s.a finishing time to the aust times over 1 hour at times .**bleep**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .how can this be far to all of the ebayers just looked at a 1929 30 chev viking radaitor and the time was to and 1.59 our time but ended at 12.59 **bleep** can this happen . or are just second class people down here. i am not having ago at the seller here the item number is 191117437557. if you are buying anything from the u.s.a open the item for sall and then check there other items for sale and check the time it really finishing .it will bediffrent .why ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
on โ05-04-2014 01:37 PM