eBay displaying other sellers on your store

Hi all, 

We never posted anything on here before, this is our first time. 


We noticed when we clicked on: 

Our eBay id

then clicked on items for sale 

and search for an item *in our eBay store* 


it brought the item up what we've searched for but also displayed another seller store as well lol 


Would like to know if anyone else facing same? 

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eBay displaying other sellers on your store

eBay displaying other sellers on your store

Nothing will make it right until those adds disappears from my store as it seems: Someone coming in your own store and telling your customers to come in my store first then if you can't find what your looking for then go look elsewhere lol

Message 12 of 18
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eBay displaying other sellers on your store

Talked with eBay customer service in regards to this issue, didn't get a straight answer but was told: Please do not worry about that, I'm highlighting this issue to my concern team and I'll get back to you once I'll get update on this.  

(and also was told: 

I would like to inform you that :- New cost-per-click advertising service, offering brands and sellers ability to advertise multiple products at the same time, with ads appearing prominently on top of eBay’s search results.

100 sellers globally (big 4 sites) will participate in a beta inclusive.


  1. I have no problem eBay placing sellers add on eBay search or anywhere else but i do have a problem if it's displaying on/in my eBay store!!

Look at our listings: 

We don't display our listings on other seller listings nor we display other sellers listings on our listings. 

(We have done this to eliminate confusion from between our eBay listing and others) but now our (everyone) store is targeted Heart 


  2, We pay for our eBay store and have been over the years. 

Few(Two) of my local customers called me and said hey i just placed an order on eBay, do you know when it will arrive? 

(what you think happened here??) 


If no one has a problem with other sellers stealing your customers from your own eBay store because of these adds, so be it. 




Message 13 of 18
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eBay displaying other sellers on your store

I believe this also happens in the "view all items" search, as well unfortunately - a seller I know received a message from a buyer that said "I didn't know you sold XXXX as well", and when the seller was understandably confused, they sent a screenshot of her items in this view with two sponsored listings from other sellers smack dab in the middle.


They weren't related items, (just an example, but imagine this seller sold clothing, and there were ads for power tools just sitting there, minding their own business while intruding on someone else's. o.O


Aside from the obvious, this clearly shows the potential for buyers to get confused as to who they bought from, why postage isn't combining and all the other "fun" things. Imagine you owned and listed a trademarked brand and had someone else's similar products just shoved into your store - I would be having serious words with the ACCC if I were in that position. 


Hmm, might be finally time to get around to registering a trademark. hmm

Message 14 of 18
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eBay displaying other sellers on your store

Yes, that does it, so do a number of other terms, but not all, and the random "sponsored" ads appear unrelated to the search term/s.


I hope this is a glitch and it will disappear.


If not,I want the "sponsored" money these advertisers are paying to ebay.Smiley Sad

Message 15 of 18
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eBay displaying other sellers on your store

Not all searches display the sponsored adds but definately not good when you click the banner and are taken to another store. 

Message 16 of 18
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eBay displaying other sellers on your store

Thanks! will be looking into trademark soon.

Message 17 of 18
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eBay displaying other sellers on your store

Agree it's not good!. When customers coming into your store to buy from you and they are getting redirected to some other seller, from your own store? lol, it's clear to me: stealing my customers and feeding big sellers/company's who are paying eBay to display adds. 

(I will be contacting ACCC if email/reply is not received by Monday 25-Jun-2018 and those adds are not removed from my eBay store) 


We all pay for an eBay store and have been paying for years and it's our eBay store! 


Thanks! all

Message 18 of 18
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