have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

I hit 'buy it now' paid for item with postage from streetrays in usa , now they have sent me a msg saying pay more or we will not send it !!   so i have lost $241.52 au or send more money and maybe they will send it or not , i could lose even more money or i might get it ! i sent a complant to ebay but due to there rules they will not let me know what comes of it  . well i must say not happy ..................this is the first email they sent ____Dear -----------------,
Hi thanks for your order Unfortunately shipping to Australia for this item is more expensive than we expected If you like to continue the order, please paypal $30 more to streetrays
Let us know
Thank you

- streetrays
2 email from them,
Dear ----------------,
The item is heavy and shipping by USPS priority is getting more and more expensive. we charge you only what USPS charged us. You can report all the emails and msgs from us to eBay and paypal and everyone. We can't ship your order if we're going to lose money shipping it. Why do we want to sell a kit if we're gonna lose $15 after it is all said & done?
- streetrays
want $30 because it will cost them $15 ? that fair right !!!!!!!!!!
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

Honored Contributor

You have not llost any money YET and if you have paid by paypal you are not going to lose any.


Read the first message properly....it says if you want to continue with the transaction you will need to pay more for shipping.... you are being given the chance to proceed and pay more or cancel and get your money back.

From the second email I would say you have already upset the seller and I don't blame him.

You are the only one who can decide if the item is worth the extra postage....let the seller know as requested.

Message 2 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

the point is , I payed the buy it now price and there postage witch is fine as i alway do , what has upset me is they have sold 56000 items so they know what it costs and they have not change there postage on there other items so it's bull S and dishonest,  there mistake is not my problem , a buy it now price is a full profit price not bid so there are making money and if not put up the postage on the items that have not sold yet to cover it . but if its sold and the buyer has already paid thats to bad the deal is done !!! 

  but thanks for your answer

Message 3 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

WOW a seller in the USA has sold 56000 items all to Australia?


matthew, perhaps its better to do as lyndal suggests , get your money back and buy the item from elsewhere or stump up the extra if you really want it that badly. It doesnt seem like this seller will capitulate right or wrong.


I do kinda understand how it would  leave a nasty taste though, they should have the correct postage in their listings and certainly should have corrected their other listings to reflect the difference in the postage costs than originally stated.


I buy a lot from the USA and I can tell you the postage rates have gone up dramtically of late, the AUD exchange rate isnt doing us any favours either.


If it were me matthew I would be getting my money back pronto & move on to another seller with the item making a note not to do business with this seller again.



Message 4 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

I understand how annoying it would be. What the seller is saying though is that they made a mistake and international postage has gone up, and is $30 more than they expected. If they post out at the price they sold it, they will end up being $15 out of pocket on the whole deal.


Now, years ago, I used to sell on ebay (under another name, with my sister) and a few times we miscalculated on postage and I have to say, it hurt, especially if we were out eg $10 on an item, which is what happened one time. This was in the days before postage had to be listed in ads. But once we had sent an invoice, quoting a postage price, we stuck with it even if it meant we were out of pocket.


I feel that a high volume seller probably should have decided to absorb the loss because it was their mistake, but they are, after all, a business, and it is clear they are not going to. They are probably not obliged to.


They aren't going to pinch your money though. They are reliable enough. You just have to decide whether you want to pay the extra postage and get the item or say no, you don't want to pay more, and they will refund your money.


I agree though, they should fix their postage calculator quick smart as it makes for bad feeling when something like this happens, very disappointing.

Message 5 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

IMO, whilst I empathise with them, a seller who has over 56,000 FB should know better. They can't ask you to pay more postage than the $59 stated in the listing (or more specifically, you're technically not obligated to pay), but at the same time you can't do anything to ensure they send it. 


If you decide to send the extra $30 do not send an extra payment, tell them to refund and re-invoice with the correct postage, as sending 2 payments for 1 item can compromise your buyer protection. 

Message 6 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

I did not say all to australia , i said sold 56000 items ! and if you read the msg's from streetrays he ask for $30 because he will lose $15 , so he is still trying to make even more profit on item ! not cover just the post thats is very dishonest ! thanks for your comment

Message 7 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

I think they mean that if they send at the original amount they will lose $15 on the entire transaction rather than making even a small profit, they are not trying to make a $15 profit on the revised postage cost. A high volume seller like them should just east their mistake IMO, I would wait a few days and open an item not received dispute if they do not provide a refund or tracking. You can then leave them neg feedback and if they ask for mutual cancellation refuse it so their rather minor mistake thst they should have covered in the interests of good customer service will probaly cost them more in the long run thst the $15 loss.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 8 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

yes there are saying they will lose $15 if it is sent with what i have already paid ! full asking price with postage ! so they have asked for $30 more to cover there loss !  $30 - $15 = $15 yes or no ?  so the $15 left must be a thank you gift for great SERVICE !!!

 ebay has said a seller can not ask for more money when they have a postage amount on it already , it is the seller's responsablity to keep it up to date if they have a postage amount up ! compaired to ask for a quote ?   

Message 9 of 24
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have paid for item ! how can a seller ask for more money or they will not send it (streetrays)

The way I read it is that the seller will lose $15 on the transaction if you do not pay an extra $30 to cover the extra postage.  The first $15 means he will break even on the transaction, the second $15 will be his profit on the whole transaction.

Do you really begrudge a seller making a whole $15 on a transaction of that magnitude?

Message 10 of 24
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