help title is not what I bid on

help please I bis on and won this item     Image not available Photos not available for this var


VINTAGE French Provincial BED HEAD c Bedside Tables Chest of Drawers Stool VGC
It turns out I was not getting all items stated in the title and pictured in the auction I was only bidding on the bedhead which is useless with out the bedside tables. The other items in the title were auctioned individually after the bedhead. I am now stuck dont know what to do. please help!!
Message 1 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

Contact the seller. Tell them the listing was for all items, in your opinion, and that you are not prepared to go ahead with the sale. If they offer a mutual cancellation, accept it. And don't leave ANY feedback.


HOWEVER, the picture is only of the bedhead and the listing explicitly states, in highlighted writing, that it is only for the bedhead. The seller is guilty of keyword spamming, but that is all. it pays to read the description before you bid.

Message 2 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

ummmm, can't comment on the title, but the listing clearly states that you are only bidding on the bed head and that the other stuff isn't included. It's also written again and even highlighted.


Guess you could contact the seller and explain that you misread the listing and ask if they could cancel the transaction via a mutual cancellation. They don’t have to, so maybe you are now the proud owner of a new bed head and need to pay for it and collect it.


Possibly clutching at straws, but maybe ring eBay tomorrow and ask them if the title is keyword spamming? Otherwise I’m all out.


The listing makes it very clear what the auction  is for, if the title or pictures confused you, you really did need to clarify things by contacting the seller before you bid. (I think there was only one picture of the entire ensemble – to show you what the whole setting looked like, similar to how a store will set up the whole package of individual pieces and decorator things

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 3 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

typed too slowly


what dave said LOLOLOL


went to post but I had copyp/pasted the highlighted biut from the listing, but the system woiuldnt let me post it till I removed it - then by the time I worked it out - you had snuck in.....





Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 4 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

Also to add to the great advice you have been given, there were underbidders on the bedhead, actually you onlywon the item by 1c, I would imagine this bed head will be relatively easy to resell either  by the seller to the underbidder or by you if you are stuck with it.

I would be asking the Seller to cancel  & contact the underbidder for a second chance offer at their last bid.

Good luck hope it works out for you.

Smiley Happy

Message 5 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

I don't care what it says in the listing it is deliberate deception, not only must everything that is included in the title be included in the sale you cannot say it is vintage French-Provincial unless it is at least 30 years old and was originally made in France, the seller even says in the description that it is french provincial style! That would have been fine if the words had NOT been used anywhere in the title. The seller is not a newbie so one must assume they knew exactly what they were doing and that it was wrong.


I would tell them I was not going to pay and if they open an upaid item dispute i will be reporting them to ebay for keyword spamming and deception. If they send a mutual cancellation request I would refuse it and then I would leave them a neg.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 6 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

Have to agree with pj on that one, quite deliberately misleading I think.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 7 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

Waves to greencat ...


Concur with PJ and Greencat - extremely misleading title and it is not an example of an inadvertent key word spam.


I would not seek a cancel transaction - I would report the seller and make them wear the final value fees.



Message 8 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

you cannot say it is vintage French-Provincial unless it is at least 30 years old


Where do the rules of ebay say that  ?

Message 9 of 31
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Re: help title is not what I bid on

@iamanark wrote:

you cannot say it is vintage French-Provincial unless it is at least 30 years old


Where do the rules of ebay say that  ?

I don't know what does or does not qualify as Vintage French Provincial, industry standards and widely accepted definitions, but that rule would be the one where eBay says stuff has to be accurately described. If something that is 20 years old can not be accurately described as vintage, then it stands to reason eBay mandates it shouldn't be described as such. 

Message 10 of 31
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