how do you compare products in watch list

OK I had this problem once before and now it is back again.  How do you compare items from your watch list.  You use to have to click on summary and then tick the items you wanted to compare and now even that doesnt work.  Why does ebay have to keeping 'fixing things when it ain't broke'


can comebody please help thank you


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how do you compare products in watch list

Honored Contributor

It appears that the Compare function has disappeared completely now although it was still there quite recently.


Typical ebay.....take away anything that has functioned well in the past.

Message 2 of 8
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how do you compare products in watch list

hiya  I totally agree with you.  There was this problem sometime back and another member told me how to 'get to it' but even that now doesnt work.  I guess it's no good contacting ebay to ask them about it.  You go to the help page and there isnt anyway of asking the question.  I mean if you want to compare a few of the same products to see everything at once it was helpful,  Like I said 'if it ain't borke don't b#@#@#@#@ well fix it.



Message 3 of 8
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how do you compare products in watch list

The "compare" feature used to be on the Summary page, but no longer appears there.


To compare Watch List items, use this old "All Buying" link:


To compare items on other lists, try the old "All Lists" link:





Message 4 of 8
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how do you compare products in watch list

thank you so much for that.  My next question is how do I keep that link for future reference? As I am sure I will need to 'compare' items in future.


Not sure if 'compare the meerkats' works here !! lol




Message 5 of 8
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how do you compare products in watch list

I do not think that old link appears anywhere on eBay any more, so I would suggest using the link to open the page, and then bookmarking that page in your browser for future reference.


I keep a collection of old bookmarks to find pages that eBay no longer provides links for, but that I still find useful. Sometimes the old pages have features that the new pages lack, or the old pages work when the new pages fail.

Message 6 of 8
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how do you compare products in watch list

Thank you for the info.  I 'dragged' the link from the address bar onto the desktop.  Is this the same as 'bookmarking' it?  Sorry to sound stupid but I just hate ebay for making things really difficult for older people who aren't as 'tech savy' as the younger generation.


I bet they don't even read these comments as I am sure they just don't give a rat's b@@ about changing things all the time.



Message 7 of 8
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how do you compare products in watch list

@dede550_1 wrote:

Thank you for the info.  I 'dragged' the link from the address bar onto the desktop.  Is this the same as 'bookmarking' it?  Sorry to sound stupid but I just hate ebay for making things really difficult for older people who aren't as 'tech savy' as the younger generation.



Most browsers have a star at the end of the address bar, if you click on that it will allow you to bookmark that page.




"Start me up I'll never stop......"
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