on โ18-10-2013 07:44 PM
on โ18-10-2013 08:15 PM
If you post the title of the item here, we can have a look.
Often it looks like shilling but actually isn't.
There is a report link on the page about shilling.
on โ18-10-2013 09:24 PM
how do i do that i tried and it has vanished
on โ18-10-2013 10:08 PM
Has the listing ended or has it been removed by ebay?
If removed by ebay it would appear that it has been reported by other members for some reason.
on โ19-10-2013 05:41 PM
listing has ended with me being the winning bidder but previous bids are suspect
on โ19-10-2013 07:12 PM
Without being able to see the listing it is impossible for anyone to give an opinion.
on โ19-10-2013 07:36 PM
Sorry to say that shrill bidding is now virtually impossible to detect and prove, just look at your replies you are receiving, I have in fact just entered a discussion topic on this very problem,
I also asked a further question about what may be further watering down of the value of the feedbac, as item information seems to have now also disappeared along with the chance to lookback at an item and the original listing, to compare comments and interpretations between buyer and seller if negative or neutral feedback has been given and explanations given, bearing in mind to keep an open mind because either buyer or seller may be at fault
on โ19-10-2013 09:20 PM
@694bob wrote:Sorry to say that shrill bidding is now virtually impossible to detect and prove, just look at your replies you are receiving, I have in fact just entered a discussion topic on this very problem,
I also asked a further question about what may be further watering down of the value of the feedbac, as item information seems to have now also disappeared along with the chance to lookback at an item and the original listing, to compare comments and interpretations between buyer and seller if negative or neutral feedback has been given and explanations given, bearing in mind to keep an open mind because either buyer or seller may be at fault
Sorry, but what replies am I supposed to be looking at?
I cannot agree that shill bidding is impossible to detect....difficult yes, but only impossible if it is a Private Listing.
While it may not be conclusive, it is usually possible to give members an idea of whether it is worth reporting an auction to ebay as shill bidding. So many members have come to the boards with "suspicions" that have proved to be completely unfounded when the bidding history has been looked at by experienced members.
This is the reason that I asked the OP to tell us what item they are suspicious of. In view of the fact that they could not find the listing again when they were to winner of the auction I would say they do not have enough experience to know shill bidding.
on โ19-10-2013 09:33 PM
A search on the OP's recent purchases has not offered up ANY purchases in the last 30 days, perhaps someone else may be able to obtain different results? (I was on the AU website BTW)
OP when you say "listing has ended with me being the winning bidder but previous bids are suspect"
do you mean that the auction ran it's natural course and finished when the clock ran out and at that time you were the highest bidder so won the item?
Or do you mean that it was your bid that was the highest at the time the listing was ended (either voluntarily by the seller or involuntarily eBay) and not ended due to the expiration of the auction timeframe?
on โ20-10-2013 12:15 PM
" Without being able to see the listing, it is impossible for anybody to give an opinion"
Exactly Correct!!, and with the "view item" in " Feedback" now missing in action, it is indeed impossible for anybody to give or "have" an opinion, other watchers of the same listing will only have access to the "Original Listing" , that is till they themselves remove it from their watch list, or till eBay removes this availability as well, in their continual actions of removing any useful historical record accessability, to everyone but eBay themselves, and of course always under the banner of " For Privacy Reasons"