seller additional fee not updating paypal total



A seller has added an additional fee to an item to cover postage, for an item that was originally listed as collection only. When I go to paypal to pay the total doesn't include the additional fee even though ebay is correctly displaying the total.


How can I amend the total amount to pay in paypal?



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seller additional fee not updating paypal total

Did the seller keep the pick-up option on the invoice? They may have added the postage service charge in addition to the pick-up option, in which case you would be able to select between pick-up and postage when you go through checkout (if there's more than one option, they will be displayed as a list on the left-hand side and you just need to make sure the postage option is checked).


If that's not it, I'm not too sure what the issue could be or how to resolve, so the only thing I can suggest is perhaps try requesting a new invoice to see if that will clear whatever glitch is happening.


Message 2 of 5
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seller additional fee not updating paypal total

I too have experienced a 'glitch' with the ebay/paypal checkout this week. It showed the correct amount (in my case they had applied a discount) but when I got to the review stage it was showing the original total and no matter what I tried it would not apply the discount in the final steps. I was then advised to get the seller to send me a "manual" invoice via paypal. So that is what I did.

Message 3 of 5
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seller additional fee not updating paypal total

I got no satisfactory resolution with this. I believe this is a bug and should be looked at by the ebay/paypal developers.


To summarise:


Ebay invoice total showed item price plus an additional fee added by the seller afterwards for the cost of courier (was originally collection only)


Click through to paypal and paypay total shows as the item price not including the additional fee.


Eventually I decided to pay regardless, and when completing the paypal transation the ebay invoice total was taken, ie including the additional fee, but this wasn't indicated before hand.


Very confusing and obviously wrong.

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seller additional fee not updating paypal total

theSeller needs to resend the Invoice with the corrected total and the Pick up option removed.

then paypal will recognise it as a  non-pickup item and allow you to pay the total price incl. shipping

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