on 17-07-2012 03:50 PM
I bought a coat from a seller, whom listed postage as standard postage $11.50, coat arrived squashed into a 500 gram pre paid bag cost, $6.80 I sent her an email, and asked if the over charge of $4.70 was fair, she said yes as it was in her listing.
read her reply to me below
Hi I charged you whot i advertise if you not happy with postage you shoud not bid, or contact mi before bidding. I think you get good bargain the coat cost over $500.00. And is as new. If you not happy you ken send the coat back and I refind you the All postage.
on 18-07-2012 06:56 PM
KOALA***********IN CAPS******* lol
sorry to send you on a wild goose chase there heiner, I am always a bit of a 'lateface' with everything.:^O
on 18-07-2012 07:08 PM
dry cleaned and picked up today cost me $18.50
I am truly amazed by some of the comments, but I am
completley gob smacked by getting added to a blocked bidder list.
seems I have hit a nerve or 2.
Do not worry about being on couple of people's BBL, I am sure I am on some of them, but the way I look at it is, that if they think this seller did the right thing, i would not want to deal with them. So they did me a favour. 🙂
on 18-07-2012 07:26 PM
thank you that is very true.
on 18-07-2012 07:35 PM
Prudencepoodle - well done - it shows something special to go back and revise things.
As for being added to some BBL's I think that says more about the blockers than it does about anything else.
on 18-07-2012 07:49 PM
OMG all those people who blocked prudence because she felt that she was unhappy with the complete transaction should be ashamed. it is her right as a buyer to question why she was overcharged for postage. i feel the poor thing has been rail roaded by all the neg coments on here because she had the guts to leave a neg. if i got a coment like that after i questioned the seller on why i was overcharged. i too would think about the neg. there was no customer service in that response whatsoever. if you dont like it send the item back. The Seller knows that they sent the item wether by mistake or not, it was brought to her attention and she had no intention of rectifying it fairly. i would probably have left her a neg she needs to clean up her attitude and a little red dot makes alot of defference in the attitude of some sellers.
and i speak from my own experience a few years back i got a few negs from some pretty unhelpful and silly lack of customner service, i have since completely changed my attitude and it shows.
i congratulate you prudence on being honest and doing what you felt was fair, and hopefully you were not railroaded into revising you feedback
on 18-07-2012 07:57 PM
You have missed the issue, its not about postage and packing it is about being charged for a larger bag and then using a smaller bag, (clearly not a suitable way to post a coat) in my opinion, I paid and seller charged for a 3kg bag, so they should use one, dont squash something into a smaller bag just to make more money, the smaller bag is for items up to 500 grams when posted it is printed on the bag, not for items over 700 grams, but if you think that is ok, I would not want to buy from a seller that uses that method to post items.
My email to her simply asked if she thought that was fair to charge an extra $4.70 and then use a smaller bag, I changed the feedback, but I would never buy from them again.
on 18-07-2012 08:19 PM
thank you I really only wanted some opinions on what other sellers thought, never dreamt it would be like this ( no more forums for me )
on 18-07-2012 11:42 PM
Hi poodle, you had every right to be annoyed at the poor packing and use of smaller postal option. Regardless of this issue, was the offence a value of a NEG (no) is why sellers would block, as this would be considered aggressive action especially as you are a seller with considerable feedback.
However, I would like to point out that every seller's learning curve is different and Poodle had been exceptionally lucky not the have this particular situation occur before and this is their first attempt in learning the way to react. To change you're Neg - is showing a person of character, well done hopefully this was not due to guilt but understanding. Honestly, sometimes the way people on this forum write is far too aggressive IMO and for those out there that just read to learn (I did that for 2 years before posting any comments incase I got shot down in flames).;-)
Is the seller particular good at their job - possibly not, plus I would not go back to buy something else from them in the future either. Did I like the manner in which this seller solved your issue - no. Do I think $4.70 extra on postage is greedy - yes but even sometimes we think a item will only fit a large express satchel but fits in the regular express satchel, do I refund $2 - no.
Also just remember some sellers use staff and this means things will always have variations :-). and all business model work differently.
Would I leave a neutral - you betcha, would I adjust the stars accordingly - you betcha.
Leave a NEG for those other reason and seller's already addressed in earlier posts.
Poodle, yes some people who express their opinions on these forums, can be a little aggressive, come back, we are not all this way.
on 19-07-2012 08:04 AM
hi all, my neice came over after I posted this forum, she is a physcologist, she shared a story of a family she is working with, their 16 year old daughter committed suicide, she was being bullied on line, by some really nasty girls from school, she read some of the comments on line,and burst into tears, she told me some of your comments could push people over the edge, if they were in a depressed state, and told me this story so I revised my feedback, I would never ever want to take part in on line bullying, as a mother and a grandmother I think it is way too sad to take any part in having a negative impact on somebody else or their family ( who knows who reads our posts ) that is the reason I took back my neg, thank you to my beautiful neice.
on 19-07-2012 10:47 AM
I wouldn't want to deal with either of you. A buyer/seller who thinks sellers should charge nothing for p&h, I may have had sympathy if you had just asked for some of the $4.70 refunded and not all of it, and at the same time thinks ebay policy can just be ignored or a seller who thinks customer service is something that can be ignored completely.
Sounds as if the pair of you are a match made in heaven!
Interesting comment PJ; i recall you always telling us how you wrap each of your items in tissue paper and place it in ziplock bag, before carefully putting in into satchel ? By the way thanks for that hint, that is what I have been doing with clothing since I read your posts. 🙂
All of the sudden you jump al over buyer who got her coat squashed into small satchel even that she paid for 3kg one? Do you really think this seller had the right to charge $5 for handling? ?:|