on โ12-12-2013 09:26 AM
hi all,i purchased a car crash camera in october 2013,it worked great until one day it would stop and start continually,eventually it stopped working,the seller is in china .BUT THE WAREHOUSE IS IN AUSTRALIA.they supply the units in australia!!!!paypal said it was too late to make a claim and ebay resolution centre don't really care less said communicate with the seller they said,call them on the phone??? what in china??the cameras are still for sale on ebay as we speak,you get 15 days for a return but no mention of any warranty.the seller asked me to try and reboot the camera etc,etc,etc.it still does not work,the seller then said ,"i'm sure i can organise a replacement" and thats the last time i heard from them,i have contacted them 6 times but nothing.can anyone suggest a way i can warn others about this "scam" i cannot change the feedback as ebay does not allow it.
on โ12-12-2013 10:39 AM
You have no warranty even if it was claimed in the listing that you have, unless the seller is a registered Australian business with an ABN so you can go through Fair Trade there is nothing you can do through ebay orPaypal, your only warranty on an ebay item is the 45 days, if it is cactus after that period you are stuffed.
If the Paypal payment was funded with a credit card then you may be able to do a chargeback but would still have to return it by fully trackable mail which will prove expensive.
There are some things you should just not buy on ebay especially if they are a lot cheaper than buying in a B&M store.!
on โ12-12-2013 10:46 AM