on โ04-05-2014 11:23 PM
This post is more of a whinge than a question but it might serve as a warning to some sellers of 'how NOT to answer a buyers question'. This really has me dumb founded as to how a seller can be so bad at 'customer relations' i guess you would call it. I asked the following about item# 151288291624 which as you can see barely has any description & only 1 photo of the cover.
me: hi just wanting to know more about this mag, looks like its a supplement to a newspaper, if so which one? is it full or digest size? are inside pages in colour or b&w, and how many? is that a stain i can see on the top right of it or a print error? thanks
sellers reply: I prefer to not sell to people who don't know what an item is . They end up being disappointed and leave undesirable feedback
what the??? i mean i could understand if i had left alot of bad fb but i haven't. I'm very generous with fb when sellers get it right & fair when they get it wrong. Am i supposed to be psychic to work out the answers to my questions? I mean i thought they were pretty reasonable or am i missing something? To me it seems like this seller is just lazy, in which case they may as well have not answered at all. Unbelievable!
Seems like i'm having a bit of bad luck with sellers lately, maybe i will give up & go to the op shops, garage sales & fairs instead, i do need to get out more anyway i suppose!
on โ11-08-2020 02:37 PM
So you've bumped a 6 YEAR OLD thread to complain about something that eBay DOES allow you to do in feedback..........
on โ11-08-2020 03:21 PM
@joyce2395 wrote:I wish eBay would allow sellers to be rated by their communication in answering questions asked by buyers.
If you are referring to questions asked by potential buyers, the seller may not see a question until it is too late. Or if the seller does not have English as a first language, they may not understand a question.
As a seller I have received questions that are requesting information that was clearly provided in the item description. I can imagine a seller getting to the stage of simply ignoring questions that they believe are unnecessary or frivolous. I haven't reached that stage yet.
on โ11-08-2020 04:11 PM
@paper-jack wrote:
@joyce2395 wrote:I wish eBay would allow sellers to be rated by their communication in answering questions asked by buyers.
If you are referring to questions asked by potential buyers, the seller may not see a question until it is too late. Or if the seller does not have English as a first language, they may not understand a question.
As a seller I have received questions that are requesting information that was clearly provided in the item description. I can imagine a seller getting to the stage of simply ignoring questions that they believe are unnecessary or frivolous. I haven't reached that stage yet.
As have I, and depending on other factors, they may receive a quick reply, or they may receive none and instead have their name added to a list.
on โ11-08-2020 05:36 PM
You've got a little list?
on โ11-08-2020 08:03 PM