on โ28-11-2013 06:54 PM
why am i having problems with chinese sellers,items never arrive ebay shrug this off ????????
on โ28-11-2013 07:41 PM
Because Paypal provide buyer protection in Australia and you have to go through them.
Or find a country with more reliable sellers.
on โ28-11-2013 08:17 PM
I too am having difficulties wwith a certain seller. I am going straight to paypal resolution to help rectify it.
on โ28-11-2013 08:46 PM
on โ29-11-2013 12:55 AM
I normally give China sellers 40 days for an item to arrive. Anything over results in a PayPal dispute just to save my behind while I contact the seller.. The days that I receive a parcel from China within 30 days is just a happy day.
on โ29-11-2013 05:45 PM
on โ30-11-2013 03:55 PM
I'm going through a Paypal dispute with one seller from China at the moment. The items were bought on 13 October, posted on 18 October (by registered mail - China Post) and have spent up until 21 November floating around the Chinese postal and customs system (according to the China Post Registered Parcel tracking). On 21 November, the items have shown as being "departured" from China.
I have commenced an Item Not Received dispute (with Paypal), but the seller insists that I will get the items and has invited me to chose a "free gift" if I wait for a few more days. The dispute has until 11 December to be escalated to a claim. I have told them that I am not interested in a free gift, and just want my money to be refunded. If the items haven't turned up by 6 December, or if they have not reimbursed my Paypal account by that date, I will escalate the dispute to a claim.