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why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

why are buyers so stupid bidding on items days before an auction finishes, do they know what a auction is? you bid just before it finishes that the thrill of bidding, then you whinge when you have paid $100s more than normal, start bidding 5 mins before the auction finishes then you might get a bargin,

Message 1 of 57
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Re: why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

Weekend is over.


What riled me was your lack of understanding that a years old thread was likely to be irrelevant, and that you didn't add anything to the issue. Or understand that a years old thread would possibly be irrelevant

Message 51 of 57
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Re: why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

Greetings once more, mon ami!


Wow, how bizarre that I was so pleasantly surprised that I didn't cop yet more flak within your message, for what I had previously thought was nothing but a positive & complimentary message that I'd written, eh?!


Thanks for your informative explanation of how the practice of 'shill bidding' worked & how it has since changed, since eBay amended certain aspects of their system. Although I have made well over 5,500 eBay purchases over the past decade or so, I'm very much a consumer & thus I've sold less than 200 items within that same period, so I actually know very little about eBay's practices & have posted no more than a handful of messages upon this 'community' page - which is just as freaking well since 'Davewill1964's charming reply, I'm now thinking!!


And I previously wrote "Down Under" because at the time, I thought that this was an international eBay site. Ah, Mildura, damn it gets hot up there! While I'm presently living within my house upon the Mornington Peninsula (I moved here since the arrival of Covid-19 little more than a year ago), I'm a longtime Melbourne lad who has some very fond memories of Mildura, having played your phenomenal annual tennis tournament - during my teen years - upon those lovely grass courts (although I'm a baseliner whose style was better suited to hardcourt) every Easter for many years, until about 20 years ago. Used to play against the massive-serving Clinton Snell back then - whom many people had picked to be our (Aussie) next great hope - & you may know his father Ken, who was a copper there many moons ago?


OK, that's more than enough of my typically off-tangent verbosity, eh?! Thanks for your kindness & your time, mein Freund!


Cheers & best wishes from down south...Matt.

Message 52 of 57
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Re: why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

@lavielemond wrote:


having played your phenomenal annual tennis tournament - during my teen years - upon those lovely grass courts 



ah yes, Mildura is well known for its grass

Message 53 of 57
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Re: why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

I bid early into an Auction sometimes, mainly because I might forget about an Auction that is running, or I might not be around my comp that particular time when it coming to a close, so I bid up to what I am happy with and if I get it then fine, if not well no big deal, items always come back up for sale eventually. 😁

Message 54 of 57
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Re: why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

he is right to call it stupid, one item i was looking at went up by 100 bucks in a day because idiots were bidding early

Message 55 of 57
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Re: why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

You're a bit late to the party.😁 Thread's a bit old.


But with auctions (not that there are as many as there used to be), prices can go up a lot. I don't know that bidding early causes that, necessarily. It would still go up if you had a flurry of bids in the last few minutes. That can definitely tend to happen!

Or people have programs that bid remotely for them at the last gasp-sniping programs.


The trick is-if you do bid early, don't get into a **bleep** for tat situation if outbid. In that situation, 2 people can bid it up higher thatn it needs to be. Just leave it and if still interested, bid again in the last 15 minutes if you have decided to up your offer.

Best though is to pop in your highest price with your first bid (whenever it is) and just leave it.


Message 56 of 57
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Re: why do people bid days befoe an auction finishes

@gandtc wrote:

he is right to call it stupid, one item i was looking at went up by 100 bucks in a day because idiots were bidding early


you replied to my post, but did you read it?


There are many reasons why a member would bid early.


Welcome to the boards, I'm sure you'll be a hit around here with your insights, especially with sellers!

Message 57 of 57
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