on 03-04-2016 04:28 PM
every time l have to have something shipped to me in Australia using the GSP l get charged a very high premium price ( Fedex courier ) that is who the tracking is with and yet when the item gets to Australia it is delivered by Australia post ( a sub standard service which costs alot less than what l have paid for. this happens everytime with the GSP it is a complete rip off, if l pay for an item to be delivered by Fedex that is who shoul deliver it not Australia post.
on 03-04-2016 05:04 PM
Pitney Bowes, the company that administers the GSP pays FedEx an economy rate to bring the freight to Australia, even though they call it a Priority service.
Once it gets to Australia, FedEx off loads the smaller items to the Australia Post e-parcel service which is fairly fast in the scheme of AP services. Or they deliver the larger items themselves or pass to another courier service if FedEx does not service the area where the item is going.
The price you are paying for shipping is not going to FedEx,,,,it is paid to Pitney Bowes for the processing of the paperwork for the items and repacking to send to Australia.
Most of us have long since given up buying from sellers who use the service although it is getting more difficult as more sellers are falling for the ebay spiel that it is the ONLY way for them not to be ripped of by overseas buyers.
on 03-04-2016 05:28 PM
on 03-04-2016 10:29 PM
Well you can thank your lucky stars that your items are not repackaged....Pitney Bowes has a very bad reputation for packing and many things arrive broken.
It is usually only small items that are handed to Australia Post....FedEx usually deliver the larger items themselves.
on 03-04-2016 10:54 PM
I imagine the main port is Sydney anyway, so a reasonable hike down the Hume, which would invariably be cheaper with AP.
My last OS purchase, which wasn't through eBay or GSP, was sent from Sydney to Canberra via AP. I didn't care that the quoted postage was FedEx for $US45 for a 1kg parcel. I understood the cost when I bought. And it is easier for me to get to my PO than the ONE FedEx depot in Canberra during working hours.