My milk addict cat
19-06-2013 03:56 PM
A few days ago, after I put kettle on for a cup of tea my young boy cat Blanket came over bump his head on my leg and said "meow". So I said hello to him and put a tea bag in a cup.
Then he rubbed his body against my leg and said another "meow". So I gave him pats and got milk from fridge.
While I was putting milk and sugar in my tea he sat next to me and said another "meow". So I said "You still have cat food in your bowl if you are hungry."
After I made a cup of tea I put milk back in fridge without thinking. Then all sudden I heard a big "Meeeoooowwwww!!!!" behind me.
He wanted milk :^O
Re: My milk addict cat
22-06-2013 07:15 PM
Isn't it great that all his efforts weren't in vain and you FINALLY got the message? 😄
Hope he enjoyed his milk.
Re: My milk addict cat
23-06-2013 10:26 AM
He did enjoy the milk :^O
He used to be an ice cream addict. Everytime someone got ice cream out of freazer he had to have a bit. And it was all my daughter's fault giving him ice cream at the first time.
It's funny that he is the only one want milk and ice cream. Other two cats aren't interested in.
I know we shouldn't give cat cow milk. But he seems to be ok with it. A strange cat.
Re: My milk addict cat
25-06-2013 12:14 PM
I gave my cat warm milk mixed with water all his life (he lived until 17)
and he just loved it.
Re: My milk addict cat
13-07-2013 03:46 AM
My cats literally don't know what milk tastes like. I haven't bought pet's milk for them for probably over a year. One reason is if it isn't used by the use by date it gets wasted. My 2 youngest cats are under 14 months and they've never drunk milk unless I gave it to them when they were kittens - I can't remember. I'm thinking about buying it again. I give them biscuits occasionally however I refuse to take them to a restaurant.
Baby we were born to run....
Bruce Springsteen
Re: My milk addict cat
19-07-2013 06:13 PM
We've got a local pub called Puss in Boots. You'd be surprised how many kittkats
eat and drink there.