A Seller false representation of goods being sold via display photo, & on sells part of your item ?


  • A Seller advertised a piece of cloth material that shows specific patterns and panels I needed. also advertised was that the time would be delivered by Wednesday and the item was won and paid for on the Sunday before.


  • Delivered item has little resemblance to the item advertised and has numerous panels missing and infact only about half of the material advertised and paid for on good will is delivered.


  • I then took photos of the delivered cloth and photo of the advertised cloth and contact the Seller explaining my disappointment - based on A. the cloth was delivered 3 days late and B. more importantly it has half of the specific decorative panels missing.


The Seller then explains that tardiness was due to car braking down, & couldn't get to post office until Wednesday. I excepted that feeble excuse. The Seller also explained that the piece of material I purchased was cut to sell the other person who bided and lost, some the material. Mind you this to me is he's given the losing bidder some of the material that I had already paid for and expected as part of my order. Please refer attached document with photo comparison.


Follow up:

I have contacted the Seller a number of times and he makes clear that they have no intention of sending me the missing portions even though he admitted to cutting them off to on sell to the losing bidder?


I find this as scrupulous mal practice and false representation by of the Seller and I imagine in complete breach of Ebay Policy. Please confirm you views and what I can do about this ?



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A Seller false representation of goods being sold via display photo, & on sells part of your item ?

open a INAD dispute.

Message 2 of 7
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A Seller false representation of goods being sold via display photo, & on sells part of your item ?


Sorry not at you but at the seller.


Does the seller honestly think they can get away with it.

I would be opening a dispute and supplying paypal with those photos and emails.


I would also be contacting ebay about the seller.


Sorry but that photo makes me laugh everytime I see it.

What were they thinking.



Message 3 of 7
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A Seller false representation of goods being sold via display photo, & on sells part of your item ?

Yes, open the dispute. Unfortunately, Paypal will require you to send the material back, tracked, at your expense for the refund of your initial payment.


only send it back as part of a claim, when Paypal tells you to, to the address they say.


leave appropriate feedback, but unemotional and factual, so the seller cannot get it removed on any grounds...and do not mention Paypal, that can get negative feedback removed too.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 4 of 7
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A Seller false representation of goods being sold via display photo, & on sells part of your item ?

hate to point out the obvious but the listing clearly states ,well not exactly that clear but still states ,

bottom row not included , 2 large and 2 small for auction ,

looks like you got what they advertised.

Message 5 of 7
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A Seller false representation of goods being sold via display photo, & on sells part of your item ?

listing does day bottom row not included, just 2 sm and large pictures

so it would seem you were sent what was stated in the auction listing,  just not all of what was potographed.


as always the photo AND the description make up the auction, you need to read it carefully.

many sellers do have more in their photos than what is actually LISTED in the auction

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~~ ~~ ~~ Those who do right, have nothing to fear.
Message 6 of 7
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A Seller false representation of goods being sold via display photo, & on sells part of your item ?





did you buy it on a mobile device, or ever see the listing on a PC? That might be the problem.



when I looked at the item listing, I was not getting all of that, depending on how I looked.


pays to look on a PC if you are interested in items to make sure you get the full description.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 7 of 7
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