Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

I have been thinking about and discussing with various collectors the origins of Classic Art Ware pottery for quite some time now, and since the publication of the 2nd People's Potteries book and the attribution of the label to John Barnard Knight, and subsequently the attribution of some CAW pieces to JBK in an upcoming Australian Pottery auction, I have decided to "go public" in the hope of flushing some information, or at least informative debate out of the woodwork 🙂

As I have said else where, I don't agree with Dorothy Johnstons attribution of this label to John Barnard Knight, a Melbourne potter associated with the label Janet Grey. I, (and others, not having come to this conclusion in isolation, I have talked to various collectors), believe there is a connection with Delamere Art Pottery from Sydney; whether this was a label attached to their wares sold through a certain outlet or a range they sold themselves similarly to Diana's Hollywood or Pate's Regent labels no one is sure.

log vase.JPG caw more bits 004.jpg Photobucket
DSCF0405.JPG D-CAW jug.JPG CAW jug.jpg

Anyway - here are some photos for you to see labels on various CAW pieces that have always been attributed to Delamere (except the Koalas which are attributed only to CAW and the frog in the 1st pic which has a Delamere sticker). Aside from this there is continuity of glaze colour, and various motifs common over CAW and Delamere attributed pieces I can post pics of as well if anyone is interested, to support this theory.

Hoping there are some other CAW/Delamere collectors reading who might have info to share

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Re: Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

This topic is very interesting - loads of information here for collectors and newbies - we need to keep this topic active 🙂 

Message 611 of 615
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Re: Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

I'm new to using eBay community chats so please let me know if I do something incorrectly. Your forum came up when I was google searching "Delamere" as I have a vase marked that and has a lot of similarities with other works label Delamere I'm not sure if its authentic or not. Does anyone have a pic of what the mark under the vase is supposed to look like? Mine has applied roses on it, quite colorful
Message 612 of 615
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Re: Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Hi Ranga,

Are you able to post a couple of photos?

Message 613 of 615
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Re: Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Community Member

I have a jug that looks similar to pieces from CAW but it has True Blue and an initial on the base. Has anyone seen this branding before?IMG_7205.jpegIMG_7201.jpeg

Message 614 of 615
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Re: Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

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