on 21-10-2009 09:09 PM
on 24-10-2009 02:56 PM
on 24-10-2009 05:46 PM
on 24-10-2009 05:47 PM
on 25-10-2009 06:52 AM
on 25-10-2009 10:29 AM
on 25-10-2009 10:31 AM
on 25-10-2009 07:44 PM
Hi JV - nope that one isn't mine although I do have one as you can see in the 2nd lot of pics. I grabbed it from an internet search because it had the CAW sticker to illustrate my point - mine doesn't. If it is yours I hope you don't mind, its use is purely for research purposes! (I probably should have linked to it - sometimes all the fiddling about gets to be a nuisance though)
on 25-10-2009 08:48 PM
on 25-10-2009 09:08 PM
on 26-10-2009 11:29 AM