Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

I have been thinking about and discussing with various collectors the origins of Classic Art Ware pottery for quite some time now, and since the publication of the 2nd People's Potteries book and the attribution of the label to John Barnard Knight, and subsequently the attribution of some CAW pieces to JBK in an upcoming Australian Pottery auction, I have decided to "go public" in the hope of flushing some information, or at least informative debate out of the woodwork 🙂

As I have said else where, I don't agree with Dorothy Johnstons attribution of this label to John Barnard Knight, a Melbourne potter associated with the label Janet Grey. I, (and others, not having come to this conclusion in isolation, I have talked to various collectors), believe there is a connection with Delamere Art Pottery from Sydney; whether this was a label attached to their wares sold through a certain outlet or a range they sold themselves similarly to Diana's Hollywood or Pate's Regent labels no one is sure.

log vase.JPG caw more bits 004.jpg Photobucket
DSCF0405.JPG D-CAW jug.JPG CAW jug.jpg

Anyway - here are some photos for you to see labels on various CAW pieces that have always been attributed to Delamere (except the Koalas which are attributed only to CAW and the frog in the 1st pic which has a Delamere sticker). Aside from this there is continuity of glaze colour, and various motifs common over CAW and Delamere attributed pieces I can post pics of as well if anyone is interested, to support this theory.

Hoping there are some other CAW/Delamere collectors reading who might have info to share

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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

I picked up a couple of items at the Claremont rair this weekend. The wall pocket I have seen before, but the flower vase with the three koalas plus mushroom is new to me. It looks like a Classic piece. Any comments, please?

here are a few more pics to show details

Message 461 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Woo Hoo how nice is that
"What a Classic piece"

Lovely find OWL,well done!

Ps hope i'm right in saying that,Rae will know,bet she thinks it LOVELY TOO!

Pss have to have another sqiz at the base
Message 462 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Sorry OWL, it is lovely but I don't think it is a CAW piece, the colours are wrong; the leaves and gumnuts are bigger and clunkier, and the base of every CAW koala piece I have seen is similar to this, with an edge around it. You will see this on your wall pocket as well.

That is JIMHO, of course I may be wrong, I think Pip might be able to add a more informed opinion 🙂

Message 463 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Doesn't the kooka vase have a flat base,mine has with a join?:|

Even if wrong its still lovely,so much to learn:-)
Message 464 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Now i see the different green as well,did Wendy do anything like this or am i far off the beaten track:^O

Or did she only really do the birdie ones?
Message 465 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Doesn't the kooka vase have a flat base,mine has with a join?:|

Kat, do you mean the small kooka on the stump? this one? the base on mine has the raised edge under.

Photobucket Photobucket

The only piece I have that hasn't a glazed base with that raised edge (I think, without going and checking each piece) is the kooka figurine, and I somehow think that may have been intended to go ON something else?

Photobucket Photobucket

Message 466 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

That kooka's vvnice,well there you go,my base is different & more like OWL's.

I will put a pict up later,school run soon,

Message 467 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

OWL, I think that koala vase might be Beattie pottery, DJ has pics of gnomes on a very similar stump with similar coloured glazes; in the same coloured plate (no 56 in the 1st book) she has a small koala pin dish with the same koala and leaves and gumnuts as yours, although she doesn't attribute it to Beattie Pottery (or anyone), I would hazard a guess that is what it is

Message 468 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Same kooka vase but different base?

cheers kat

Message 469 of 615
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Classic Art Ware - Debateable origins

Sorry to be slow to join in but I have been out all day.

I agree with Rae that it is Beattie or possibly Beauty.

Both signatures appear on very similar pieces so they may well be one and the same. They are always inscribed very faintly if they are signed at all.

Gnomes are the most common subject matter but they did animals and birds as well.

Owl it is a great find and if it goes up for sale at any time it would do very well with 3 Koalas.

Or you can say it's unmarked GS and clean up ;-),
Message 470 of 615
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