on 01-03-2013 08:55 AM
First day of autumn and it's wet and miserable here in Sydney. X-( Just heard we've had the wettest summer in five years. WHAT summer??
Who will be first in with a find?
on 29-03-2013 07:16 AM
Thanks Pip, I was going to reply to your Ellis ladies when you had posted the pics great glazes on them they looks like oxidized bronzes that have been dug out of the ground. The look is pretty similar to some of the Fat Lava glazes of the period. Cheers Billy
on 29-03-2013 04:46 PM
I picked up a Carlton Ware Foxglove sugar bowl in good condition, and three different coloured, small jugs, in bad condition, for $10 at the oppy, I have the jugs soaking in water with steradent in it. They seem to be grey all over, never seen this before. Would do a pic but Trace went home with my camera in her bag.....and the only way to get stuff back from your kids is to go get it yourself.LOL
on 29-03-2013 10:55 PM
hi Granny, Could the Kookaburra thingy be a bottle opener for tops like twist tops that will come off easily with leverage. ? and is there a name or something on the smooth side - level with the beak ? Ive had it on zoom 200% and it looks like there could have been something.
Anyway nice finds with your other goodies also.
on 30-03-2013 01:38 PM
Hi 4ewesonly,there are some marks there,had my spyglass on it but cannot make it out.
Could it be an impression from the made in Australia on the reverse side?
I am very happy with my goodies,will be caretaker for a little while until I decide what to do with them.